Example sentences of "not [adv] [adj] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 so I , I mean I suppose in a sense it would be good if you did actually change something but that 's not entirely necessary for me .
2 This is just the objectivity which is to be claimed in general for the good ; what is good for me now is not necessarily good for you or for me at other times , nor even what I now spontaneously prefer , it is what anyone would spontaneously prefer for me if sufficiently aware from my present viewpoint .
3 Use a red pencil to underline the things you think are not so good for you and should be restricted .
4 Now that they were working different hours it was not so easy for him to contrive to meet her ‘ accidentally on purpose ’ as Anne privately called it .
5 So he dug a bomb shelter in the back yard , which was fine for his wife and little daughter , William 's mum-to-be , but not so convenient for him when he joined the Merchant Navy and found himself out on Atlantic convoys with the wolf packs at his heels .
6 The Ring does not boast as many members as the Society by maybe that is not so important for them as they are not in receipt of grant aid .
7 and erm , you know , she , she obviously needs somebody else with her to make it not so obvious for her
8 ‘ It is not so bad for us because we would be at home in the first leg , ’ said Blues chairman David Campbell .
9 And granddad does n't li want people to see him sort of you know when he has to get up and walk about and go to the loo with the door open and I mean it 's not so bad for us because we 're all related but it 's awful for You know I mean I ca n't imagine Jody or Jessica or Alison or anybody liking it very much .
10 For whenever her husband was working with Morse , Mrs Lewis could recognise a curious contentment in his eyes that was not only good for him , but good for her , too .
11 It is not only advantageous for us to know which of a horse 's emotions are destructive to us having a good working relationship with it ; but ideally , if we also consider horse will do more for us and give us greater pleasure .
12 Often the task you end up doing as a result of management by inertia is not merely inappropriate for you but very time consuming .
13 Now the ones for January , February and March are perhaps not terribly useful for you , because you have the current diary pages .
14 They were too ‘ posh ’ and refined , and not sufficiently down-to-earth for me .
15 Interest is not just academic for it could lead to better industrial catalysts that mildly and selectively oxygenate organic compounds — normally an energy intensive process that is quite difficult to control .
16 Even when he was not formally responsible for them , the Company 's affairs were the main interest of his life .
17 It 's not always easy for you to talk your problems through , but if there 's something bothering you , it might be a good idea to open up to someone who can help .
18 In the circumstances it is not strictly necessary for me to express an opinion on the other submission made by Mr. Levy , for the local authority , as to why the judge applied the wrong test in exercising his discretion .
19 Scriptwriting and journalism , though , are not as absorbing for her as her novels .
20 That was not really convenient for me as I often did not know at what time I would return from saying Mass in the outstations .
21 ‘ … not really wise for me to comment , ’ Harriet Shakespeare was saying .
22 He had read and enjoyed her diary though there were things in it that he was sure he had not known at fourteen and that he felt , uneasily , were not quite suitable for her to know .
23 They were originally intending to work in Zaire , but the situation is still somewhat unstable and it seems that the time is not quite right for them to go there .
24 But he did n't , he said , " Herriot , my dear chap , I 'm most frightfully sorry , but I 'm very much afraid we 're not quite ready for you . "
25 Deland evangelically promoted his firm and its concept to a public not quite ready for it , but his moment came when war broke out and he was summoned by the US War Department to help recruit executives for the Army Service Forces .
26 Fahey , whose international experience goes back to the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 , when he lost the bronze medal in a jump-off , qualified for last year 's World Cup Final , but decided his horse was not then ready for it .
27 Further work with this family is required as Darren 's weight gain is not yet sufficient for him to thrive in the long term , but it demonstrates the intensity and the long-term nature of the help required .
28 But John is vulnerable to the charge of ‘ not yet ready for it ’ .
29 The consensus is that the world is not yet ready for it , and it may in any case never be necessary .
30 Sainsbury 's want to develop the Grange Road site but Caldaire said the move was not financially viable for them because under privatisation rules the Government would be entitled to half the money from any sale .
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