Example sentences of "not [adv] [prep] [art] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Mizar itself is a splendid telescopic double , with rather unequal components , but the separation ( 14.5 seconds of arc ) is not enough for the pair to be split with binoculars .
2 Not only for the staff restaurant , but also for the boardroom and guests .
3 When asked how the tree came about she said ‘ Well , it 's just like God to make something useful out of what we think is rubbish ’ — a comment which referred not only to the fruit but also to her own convict origins .
4 THOMPSON : ‘ All I 've just said is that it was not a good enough explanation of what I got and I do n't think anybody has been told , not only to the media out there , myself who is the most important one .
5 We owe it not only to the people of Oxford but to those of Birmingham , Cardiff , Elswick , and even of rural Shropshire who have suffered .
6 The Bill comes before the House by an accident of timing that , nevertheless , makes it of particular political relevance not only to the people of Scotland but to the people of the United Kingdom .
7 Whereas some Orcadians see certain advantages in living in one of the Mainland 's urban centres there are many more who appreciate the benefits of building a house of their own in their home parish , not only as a means of maintaining their links with family , friends , and neighbours but as a means of benefitting from cheap family or friends ' land for building .
8 Such campaigns are essential to the British Section , not only as a means of raising awareness , funds and members , but also because they project Amnesty onto the high street — one step closer to ensuring human rights is foremost in people 's minds .
9 In this situation the kin network operates not only as a means of finding work but also for assisting the process of migration .
10 The Bulgarian Communist Party renamed itself the Bulgarian Socialist Party on April 3 , calling the decision a clean break with " the dictatorship of the time before Nov. 10 , 1989 , which was a dictatorship not only over the people , but over the party as well " .
11 It is displayed not only by a species of arrow-poison frog but also by the fire salamander , moth caterpillars with stinging hairs , a little box-fish that discharges venom when attacked , a beetle that exudes a caustic liquid which blisters the skin , and bees , wasps and hornets with some of the most painful of all insect stings .
12 Concern has been growing for some time now , voiced not only by the media but also by some high-powered academics , ex-civil servants and former senior government statisticians , that official information which should be wholly objective is being distorted , suppressed or otherwise interfered with to serve the political ends of the government .
13 In all cases , however , state power in communication and elsewhere must be monitored and held in check , not only by the media but also by social movements .
14 And it 's now found in disturbingly high quantities , not only in the fish , but in the air and the soil and the water throughout the Tappajoss river system .
15 Over the years Mrs. Jarrett had seen many changes , not only in the staff and resident body of the home and in the facilities it now provides , but in government legislation within the various departments of health and social security , with whom she had established for Le Court a strong and trusting relationship .
16 At the time of the Restoration itself Anglican-Royalist sentiment was strong not only amongst the gentry but also amongst the population at large , whilst there was a marked reaction against the Whigs and in favour of the Tories following the defeat of the Parliamentary Exclusion movement .
17 Such arguments have been common not only within the media and political circles , but also within a variety of academic disciplines — economics , industrial relations and sociology .
18 Ceaseless rain made further progress impossible , not merely for the infantry , who were sinking up to their thighs in mud , but for the tanks held in readiness to exploit a breakthrough .
19 It was not long before the dynamics of politics made such niceties quite irrelevant , The bulk of the Labour party came out in opposition , not only to the National Government , but to any economies , even those which the Labour Cabinet had agreed .
20 So I spent my first year developing that , translating it into a job description for me an my colleagues , structuring plans for the health boards and therefore job descriptions for general managers — it was a cascade — to help people in their everyday jobs , involving examining what proportions of the organisation were crucial , not just to the people within them , but to those using them . ’
21 It resulted in the erm extra requirement for security which does happen to which Mr has referred and I I think it 's it 's very very important to realise that if that three party cooperation can be achieved as it should be , bearing in mind what Simon says that we are going to have to do this , with horrendous problems in the youth and community project in the future and we would be failing completely in our duty , not just to the people of Highfields , but to the people of this whole county if we simply allowed politics , as has been done in the past , to lead to entrenched positions and the idea of simply saying to the director , we are in a mess therefore will you please deal with it all is I think wildly irresponsible and I 'm very very surprised indeed that erm that point should be put .
22 We will continue to campaign vigorously with our colleagues in the trade union , and hopefully the labour movement , on all aspects of employment rights , not just through the media as asked for in three four two , but at the workplace .
23 If it is crushed it will be a severe setback not just for the people of Segundo Montes but for other refugee communities seeking repatriation as well .
24 For the issue at stake is not necessarily whether Clarke is good or bad at his job , something which is indeed a topic of conversation among MPs , not just among the media 's ‘ very well-paid political hacks ’ , as Clydesdale MP Jimmy Hood asserted this week .
25 Er , this particular disease , Alzheimer 's disease was identified by Jim , who was the deputy mayor , a member of ours , who spoke to you earlier in the week , as one of the hidden diseases in our society , where more help should be given not just from the people who suffer from the disease , but from their , for their families who have to support them .
26 The Fed estimates that industry is operating at 81.4% of capacity , not far below the 83% level above which inflation has historically started to accelerate .
27 But a representative democracy , where the right of election is well secured and regulated , and the exercise of the legislative , executive and judiciary authorities is vested in selected persons chosen really and not nominally by the people , will in my opinion be most likely to be happy , regular and durable .
28 Serious again , he went on , ‘ A real presence sometimes , at any rate , even if not quite like the folk image .
29 He 's a new person , he 's not actually in the series yet , but he 's in the beginning you know .
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