Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The world is not altogether reformed by cheap tours , nor is the inherent vulgarity of the British Philistine going to be eradicated by sending him with a through ticket and a bundle of hotel coupons to Egypt and the Holy Land …
2 In this he was mistaken , since state control over industry was considerably reduced once the war was over , even if it did not wholly return to pre-war conditions .
3 Robespierre 's experiment was , scarcely surprisingly , a dismal failure ; and while the delicious dream of a universal , natural and reasonable religion may have an understandable attraction for those who are influenced by but not wholly committed to Christian ( or some other ) belief , it does not appear capable of offering any very stable resting-place , or any adequate defence against the more radical challenges to religion as such which have been raised from without and within Christian theology in modern times .
4 [ *Pollidori also informs us : ‘ Liability to possession arises from Original Sin not wholly effaced by inadequate Baptism … and sometimes from other sins , great or small .
5 The intention in London is to create a focused display , designed to show aspects of French art not widely represented in British collections .
6 Although awarded seven marks apiece — making them weedier than that old stalwart , the creeping thistle — they are not widely viewed as potential threats .
7 However , they are not widely distributed in gastrointestinal epithelia .
8 Therefore Kirknewton is not badly served by local bus services in comparison with Ratho .
9 Voters do not instinctively turn to Labour in time of trouble .
10 But it also strained credulity to believe that any sort of war where any sort of nuclear weapons were available would not eventually lead to full-scale atomic destruction .
11 Turning now to policy , it seems clear that a prohibitions-based or per se illegality form of legislation can not effectively deal with tacit collusion .
12 If sources of income are not all taxed at equal rates , there is obviously an incentive to convert income into the untaxed form .
13 Funky guitars copulate with abrasive melodies on songs like ‘ Lucky Me ’ , but it 's not all based on jumped-up jollification .
14 Drive around Cornwall during the winter months , and many of the cars and vans you see are sporting SAS window stickers — and they 're not all driven by young blond wave riders .
15 Although this balance is not entirely based on direct measurements , it shows how the observed interactions between sulphate reducing bacteria and methanogenic bacteria in vivo can be understood as competition for the mutual substrate hydrogen .
16 They should not entirely supplant from political discourse and practical consideration the separate question of restrictions on the use ( as distinct from possession ) of nuclear weapons .
17 This is not entirely explained by huge increases in population , as is widely propagated by the mass media and widely believed .
18 This chapter has argued that just as the study of style can not entirely rely on quantitative data , neither can it ultimately do without them .
19 Otis Ferguson was not entirely convinced by Black Legion as he thought it too gloomy ( with appeal only for the ‘ O'Neill audience ’ ) , too jerky in its action , ultimately too indecisive and somewhat lacking in political specifics .
20 On almost every issue we investigated the consultants emerge as the most pessimistic , critical or even dismissive group … doctor/manager relations are not greatly changed since pre-Griffiths days .
21 He had lost none of his ability — it can not suddenly disappear without physical cause .
22 But statistics do not necessarily make for good intelligence .
23 Good science does not necessarily make for good philosophy .
24 THERE was an article in The Times the other day which said that good spelling did not necessarily make for good writing .
25 On several occasions when their views have been canvassed , the judges of the High Court and the Court of Appeal have shown themselves capable of contemplating changes that do not necessarily coincide with popular or professional opinion .
26 The implication from Hall 's research is that organisms can adapt their genes to suit their environment , and that the production of genetic mutations is not necessarily separate from natural selection .
27 The micro-political dimension of budgeting is based on the view that budgetary decisions are not necessarily made on rational — economic grounds but that the deciding factors may be other influences such as the power base of individuals or groups and their value systems .
28 Planning need not necessarily start with detailed consideration of the content of a history study unit .
29 We 've taken all this into account , erm I 'm not sure all groups have tried to do that , erm but we have tried to please everyone , we do have some particular priorities and we do want to make significant improvements in service where we can and not necessarily looking for cheap publicity by increasing in lots of places as some people are supposed to of done so where one concludes sometime a significant amount of money in but will have a noticeable difference to their essential service .
30 It 's important to him that everyone knows he is the champion , that he is better than anyone else and not necessarily looking for easy pay days .
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