Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Why did they not rather try to recruit them into the STA in some way , as a separate women 's branch for instance , as in the past ?
2 This does not necessarily involve affirming it .
3 But there is a problem : the astrologers of the ancient world were certainly au fait with the behaviour of the planets and so , while they might have been excited by the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn , they would not necessarily have regarded it as too desperately important .
4 There are two dangers to be avoided , if you can avoid them , in the choice of chambers : reading with someone who is too busy , who can not spare the time to give you instruction , except possibly over a snack lunch , and reading with someone who has not enough work to give you proper experience .
5 That he did not so do indicates he had some other categories in mind as well .
6 I have been encouraged to find that the young are not so predisposed to put me aside at the age of seventy and that a new generation of students and artists regard me as something of a cult figure .
7 His father 's response was not only to stop sending him money but also to bar him from returning to Zimbala until he renounced his Socialist beliefs .
8 Green not only loved painting them but actually loved trees for themselves and for their beauty in the landscape .
9 The only reference point to give us a sense of our height was the tiny boat on the beach beneath us , with the two fishermen , who had not only declined to follow us up the crater , but also expressed an urgent desire to avoid even setting foot on shore .
10 A rich fatty diet not only tends to make you overweight , it can also raise the level of cholesterol in the bloodstream — a predictor of heart disease .
11 Here we are not only going to give you technical details , but also try and tell you what it means to us as a Community .
12 There were , in short , pious men and women who not only failed to find it blasphemous , but regarded it as an integral part of their belief — as integral , say , as Peter 's role is to the Church of Rome .
13 Such an exercise of critical self-analysis will not only help make you a more appetizing prospect as a subject , it will probably benefit you artistically as well .
14 He had not merely failed to interest her in a story , he had found the only thing he had to sell was worthless and he urgently needed money .
15 So whatever suggestion is in the subconscious will continue to have effect even if the patient is not sufficiently alert to notice it .
16 Other sources observe that HP and Sun , who came to the MAS announcement as cheerleaders , did not exactly pledge to adopt it leaving only IBM who was already involved .
17 Her heart beat crazily within her as she recalled that the last time she 'd seen him she had hit him with all her might — and from the look of fury on his face he was not easily going to forgive her !
18 KF chose EDS because ‘ we were convinced they will focus on our real needs , not just try to sell us something , ’ Hjoth said .
19 They can not just choose to hurt you , you have to give them the chance ( for example by joining in activities like those listed above ) — so do n't !
20 Could you not just have asked me ? ’
21 ‘ I have the premier belt and you want it — but I 'm not just going to give it to you . ’
22 I 'm not just going to let you throw me away .
23 One does not usually bother to mention it , but we shall make it explicit this time .
24 ‘ You 're not still trying to accuse her of something underhand , are you ? ’
25 I love him so much I can not ever imagine leaving him .
26 We tried to profit by our mistakes but were not always allowed to forget them by fellow crewmates .
27 Certainly , these designs were employed for a period of at least forty years , and their designers might not always have seen them in the same light .
28 ‘ I 've decided I 'm not always going to follow you from now on . ’
29 He could not possibly have misunderstood me .
30 He had made the remark , or something like it , ‘ to the back of Admiral Poindexter ’ as they came out of a meeting with Reagan , and Reagan could not possibly have heard it .
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