Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [to-vb] [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , as McKendrick has pointed out , increased spending on a greater volume and range of consumer goods does not need to have been general or even typical .
2 Clovis 's own action , however , does not appear to have been traditional .
3 This point helps to explain why there do not appear to have been many actual dismissals for pilferage ( we assume that we would have been told if there had been an abnormally high incidence of these ) , but we would still have expected there to be some if pilferage has been common , particularly since store security is not under Fred 's control .
4 After Edward 's departure for England in 1274 Tany 's powers and authority as seneschal were carefully defined , but his rule does not appear to have been successful .
5 Although , on the face of it , this might not appear to have been conducive to the development of industry-wide bargaining paradoxically such ‘ division by occupation promoted bargaining by industry ’ ( Phelps Brown , 1959 , p. 362 ) .
6 Swiftly a ‘ marriage bar ’ was introduced , though its application does not appear to have been universal in the civil service until 1894 when government typists ( hitherto an ‘ unestablished ’ all-female grade ) obtained permanent , pensionable ‘ established ’ status by agreeing to a rule requiring automatic resignation on marriage .
7 There does not appear to have been any significant progress on this in the intervening twenty-four years .
8 There does not appear to have been any significant pressure from voluntary organizations or the public .
9 There do not appear to have been any empirical studies which have looked for an increase in the amount of information reflected in share prices as a result of the commencement of trading in index futures ( except in so far as volatility reflects information ; see Chapter 13 ) .
10 There do not appear to have been any children ( none are mentioned in his will ) .
11 In the Fuqua case there does not appear to have been any problem of divisional interdependence , but this will not always be the case .
12 As for Constantine 's ‘ conversion ’ — if that is the appropriate word — it does not appear to have been Christian at all , but conventionally pagan .
13 However , after a number of years of operation , the APU does not appear to have been conspicuous in its success : most of the background measures are of little use , and there are difficulties in relevant measures .
14 Since then home viewing has largely taken over from cinema going but there does not seem to have been much criticism of the format as such but perhaps more so the screen size .
15 Even Wat Tyler , the most famous of these , does not seem to have been involved in the earliest disturbances in Kent , as he is not mentioned in indictments dealing with disorder in Canterbury on 10 and 11 June , when the leader was John Hales of Malling .
16 Moreover , the decorative features of the temple ( carvings of palmtrees , capitals like lilies , capitals festooned with network , pomegranates , and open flowers ) are all prominent in the repertory of St Polyeuktos , although they do not seem to have been current in contemporary Byzantine sculpture .
17 Unlike most other musicians , he did not seem to have been impressed by Louis Armstrong 's seminal appearance at the London Palladium in 1932 .
18 John MacCulloch , M.D. , who was a geologist , did visit Islay but does not seem to have been impressed .
19 John MacCulloch , M.D. , who was a geologist , did visit Islay but does not seem to have been impressed .
20 The practical services rendered by each side to the other do not seem to have been all that large although there is still considerable speculation about the volume of weapons with which the Vietminh were supplied .
21 Although they do not seem to have been familiar with the work of Saussure , Wimsatt and Brooks here might appear to be approaching his principle that the meaning of words is purely conventional and arbitrary .
22 Yet , in spite of these accommodations to the spirit of the times , established and traditional protestantism does not seem to have been better able than Roman Catholicism to meet the challenge of industry and the big towns .
23 So far as mining is concerned , the long colliery shifts of the nineteenth century do not seem to have been usual in the eighteenth .
24 Such logic does not seem to have been present in the court 's decision in R v.
25 In spite of this , Gloucester 's links with the Cliffords themselves do not seem to have been close .
26 In spite of this , Gloucester 's links with the Cliffords themselves do not seem to have been close .
27 The resulting brand of individualism thus contains a radical anomaly , affecting half of those present — an anomaly which , however , does not seem to have been visible until light was specially directed on to it by feminists .
28 They were a primitive and tribal people , and do not seem to have been such fierce opponents as the Saxons .
29 Nguyen Ai Quoc does not seem to have been prominent in these discussions although he was included in a group photograph with Roy , Tan Malaka , and other Asian delegates including three from Japan .
30 In terms of the ‘ demographic transition ’ it is a great puzzle to explain why the response to them was so late in a relatively literate , urbanized , and industrialized society where returns from children do not seem to have been plausible for a long time ( R. M. Smith 1981 ) .
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