Example sentences of "at some point [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But that means at some point they may actually go below it .
2 At some point it may be necessary for the principals to reign their lawyers in .
3 And at some point it would all become as real as it was ever to become again , as the happy escaper slid into dreams until morning .
4 At some point it 'll be at the University .
5 At some point it might be that you have to accept that things are not going to be as you 'd hoped .
6 I guessed , as everyone else must have done , that at some point she could not manage her life any longer and had gone out and stepped into the stream as a way of escape .
7 If you plan to stay where you are , the likelihood is that at some point you will want to make some changes or improvements : install central heating , insulate the loft , modernise the kitchen or perhaps convert part of the house to a granny flat for an elderly parent who is becoming too frail to live alone .
8 However , at some point you will have to switch to a completely phonemic or completely orthographic way of writing .
9 ‘ But at some point I will need to sit down and figure out if I want to make a real career shift into another area , such as politics .
10 If he was in a procession the other members of the procession still worried about his inability to walk a straight line and feared that at some point he would peel off from the file .
11 But as I became more acquainted with this set and stopped rushing from impossible passage to impossible passage , hoping against hope that at some point he would lose his balance and tumble like a second-rate trapeze artist off his swing , I was unwittingly dragged in to a more sinister , melancholic side to his playing .
12 He skirted the spruce plantation and supposed that at some point he should tell Sara about it .
13 Rufus was still lying asleep on the terrace , though at some point he must have awakened , for he was shaded from the sun by Hilbert 's old black umbrella which he had opened and propped there to shelter his head and face .
14 At some point he must have got up and opened the window .
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