Example sentences of "at the time this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From the track plot deduced by the accident investigation team from the aircraft 's flight-data recorder , the Vanguard appears to have been nearly 5 miles south-west of the MN at the time this position report was made .
2 But it appears to me that , on the face of this document , there is no intention shown so to limit its effect , and that it is framed in the widest possible terms so as to cover , not only this particular debt , but all other claims by the bank in connection with the Professional and Trades Papers Ltd. , for it is admitted that the foundation of the judgment was the guarantee , and at the time this document was drawn up there was this joint liability on the judgment to the extent of £6,000 .
3 At the time this criticism was directed at her rather than at me .
4 At the time this decision was made high energy physics took a major slice of government research budgets .
5 This is because , at the time this study was done , a machine could not be programmed for the next job while it was engaged in cutting .
6 At the time this study was carried out , the influence of Rastafari ( and with it , reggae ) was already in decline , victim of political changes in the Caribbean and the United States and the ascendancy of new cultural styles .
7 At the time this article was written , that company had just launched a bond at 8% for a life of five years .
8 cos at the time this report was put together erm
9 Each of these three groups has made a first report at the time this Chapter was written .
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