Example sentences of "at the [noun sg] [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 He assumed , as he had been led to believe at meetings with General Helmuth von Moltke immediately prior to the war , that Germany would at the outset deploy some eight corps in East Prussia .
2 Each year the local fete has a different theme and this photograph won second prize at the village show some weeks later .
3 Let's go and have coffee first , and then I 've got to call at the bank to get some cash , and dump that package , before we start shopping . ’
4 Last season a referee allowed himself to be wired up for a League match at The Den to record some of the things he had to put up with from players .
5 Bobsy actually drummed for The Beautiful South when they played at The Brit Awards some time ago , so do n't hold on to your ears pop kids .
6 Well I thought about putting some , at the moment buy some erm daffodils or something .
7 He did n't know what Lewis meant about someone looking after the house but no doubt he , Adam , had at the time concocted some tale to keep his father quiet , to keep him away even .
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