Example sentences of "at the [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The artists with whom his gallery was closely involved are Andy Goldsworthy , Hamish Fulton , Roger Ackling and Ian Hamilton Finlay , whose Wild Hawthorne Press material he presented at the Fruitmarket when it briefly reopened for last year 's Edinburgh Festival .
2 Luckily he had some friends at the University and it was arranged that he would open a shop there and become ‘ Mathematical Instrument Maker to the University ’ .
3 I looked at the clock and it was 10.40 .
4 And then I woke up again , and I come upstairs to look at the clock and it was half past three .
5 The red bitch became short-tempered , snapping at the puppy when it went to suckle her dangling teats , now empty of milk : pushing it aside when it clambered over her sleeping body or pummelled her head in a rowdy mock fight .
6 They 've asked him to look at the case because it makes a mockery of justice .
7 The dome diminishes in thickness from nearly 20 feet at the springing to almost 5 feet at the crown and it is built up in horizontal layers of brickwork and concrete where the cement mixture is varied so that the specific gravity diminishes with increasing height .
8 She was at the clinic when it was delivered , working on some case notes .
9 Turn round ! girl , ’ and swung her round by the shoulders , and while holding her with one hand she ripped the pieces of tape from the end of each plait , before she tore at the hair until it hung in uneven strands ; then she almost lifted Millie from the floor as , using both hands now , she drew the strands together and began forming them into a tight rope-like plait .
10 Liked to pull that down that 's a normal hip joint , this is your bony pelvis with the socket joint , right , socket , this is your leg bone the femur , with the head of the femur at the top and it looks like that and they fit into one another and it forms a very good swinging joint you can do all sorts of things with your hip joint , ca n't you ?
11 But this one has no title at the top and it 's written in a completely different hand .
12 He said at a reception at the circuit that it was amazing that modern grand prix cars could lap so fast on the twisty and demanding Leicestershire circuit .
13 ‘ I said right at the beginning that it would be a good thing if those two got together .
14 I know I said at the beginning that it could help save lives , am I er overstating the mark there ?
15 idea of the theory , which is something that probably should have come at the beginning but it does n't matter too much .
16 I can see that now , even though I had no idea at the beginning where it might all lead me .
17 ( Census is spelt with a c at the beginning because it is derived from the Latin censere , to rate ) .
18 Though I do believe Alfieri is still important for the role he plays which I mentioned at the beginning as it is clever of Miller to incorporate the ‘ narrator ’ into the play in this way although it is not an original idea as Shakespeare used it with his characters ' soliloquies .
19 Mr Hartley 's mother Isabel said : ‘ He often has barbecues and goes swimming at the river when it 's hot . ’
20 It is a home from home for Sue Wilson , who has probably spent as many nights at the camp since it was set up on January 18 as she has at home .
21 No action was taken but Warrington general manager Ron Close said : ‘ We have looked closely at the video and it looks as if Jones might have deliberately kicked Bob , who has been told by a specialist that he came within an eighth of an inch of losing the eye .
22 Mrs Dixon , of Haxby Road , Middleton St George , was upset by new work practices introduced at the home after it was bought by businessman Praby Sodhi .
23 Another investigation , looking at the problem as it were from the opposite direction , compared adoptees selected for later estimates of their creativity and then examined incidences of mental illness .
24 I believe that er we did n't er consider going to look at the development because it was quite clearly in the minds of a large percentage of us that it was contrary to the town plan and so we did not think it was necessary to do that .
25 I went back at the weekend and it was a pile of rubble .
26 Antiscum did OK at the weekend as it happens .
27 If you do , you will assuredly be severely handled at the trial and it is not unlikely your evidence will be disbelieved .
28 We should state at the outset that it is not the purpose , nor within the scope , of this book to try to answer such questions in their entirety .
29 It must be remarked at the outset that it is principally between the buyer and seller that rights and obligations exist .
30 It can not be said at the outset that it is impossible for the contract to be carried out .
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