Example sentences of "at [being] [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The lecturer was at first impatient at being called from a tutorial session , before his vanity was fed the magical words of ‘ Foreign and Commonwealth Office ’ .
2 Now I see him coming back in the middle of the afternoon , with , I hope , a railway sandwich or two inside him , apparently not in the least put out at being employed as a busboy .
3 Wrapped in the adulation which expressed the country 's relief at being saved from a constitutional crisis , Baldwin went down to Astley in December .
4 Why did she not experience the usual terror at being shut in a small enclosed space ?
5 A mixture of fear , at being touched by a man at all — and something else , quite different — swept through Sally-Anne so that she began to tremble as he walked her through to the parlour .
6 ‘ His biggest problem was always behavioural and emotional , resulting from his frustration at being treated as a difficult or educationally backward child . ’
7 The man was bridling at being treated like a minion .
8 Do you not think she must be up in arms by this time , at being treated like a bone between three dogs ?
9 Peer tells of horror at being branded as a war criminal
10 Often the furore stemmed from audiences ' unease at being plugged into a musical idiom shorn of familiar signposts .
11 Sitting in the train , with a Sunday paper which I 'd automatically bought lying unopened on my knee , I felt a sense of relief at being away from him , at being surrounded by a lot of impersonal uncaring strangers who could see nothing different about me because they 'd never seen me before last night .
12 She felt an old resentment at being forced into a structure .
13 It was a pathetic spectacle and to be honest I must confess to being more than a little annoyed at being trapped in a railway carriage and forced to listen to this poor soul lurching nearer to a grave in the gutter .
14 The bishop , enraged at being deluded by a mere girl , determined to have his revenge .
15 It was he who blushed now at being taken for a country bumpkin .
16 An eyewitness told me of her surprise , when emerging from the Peace Hotel ( Heping Fandian ) on the Bund , at being confronted by a ‘ mass of bodies , wave upon wave of students , marching down Nanjing Road in unison and chanting slogans .
17 This week , the ageing lothario was horrified when a cloth-capped pensioner pursued him down a street , wreathed in smiles and waving an autograph book , The Rolling Stone coldly ignored him , appalled at being associated with a gummy grandad and perhaps being all too forcibly reminded of his own advancing years .
18 For a few seconds he was too shocked to speak and Rebecque assumed that the silence merely expressed Sharpe 's horror at being ordered to a ball , but then the Rifleman exploded with his news .
19 Hangovers are actually the body 's response of shock at being subjected to a substantial dose of a poisonous substance .
20 ‘ I feel staggered at being chosen as a winner , and it has made me really thrilled , even though I am a few years older than the others , ’ he said .
21 The major looked surprised at being introduced to a prisoner , but he played along with it .
22 And He knew she 'd paid sorely for having Jenny , paid in her own shame at being caught by a married man at her age , paid in being the cause of her death .
23 All this is changing , there are courses and special training sessions available where both clients and public relations operators can be taught how to perform well on radio and they may get " real experience " at being interviewed by a TV or radio personality .
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