Example sentences of "at [pers pn] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He peered down at me and scratched his head as he replaced his cap on his bald head .
2 Then he goes all quiet and throws some money at me and tells me to hurry up and ca n't wait to get the other boy out of the shop .
3 He had looked at me and seen her .
4 He wrenches his cigarette from his mouth , glares at me and grinds it into the ashtray , disconcerted by the firecracker element .
5 He can make you believe you are the only woman on earth for him , and only a Frenchman out of all the men in the world could look at me and tell me to my face that I am beautiful .
6 He looked at me and asked me to take it .
7 He peered closer at me and asked what an Englishman was doing in Paris .
8 ‘ You 're looking at me and thinking I 'm not the one to do it , ’ Pie prompted .
9 They laughed at me and told me my fingers were no use for that work , which was true .
10 Ven exclaimed — and very nearly made her drop when he went on , ‘ One way and another , woman , I 've been interested in you since I pulled up my car behind yours , and you batted those gorgeous green eyes at me and told me that your car would n't go . ’
11 He looked at me and chewed his bottom lip as if searching for a remnant of breakfast .
12 He just looked at me and said something like , ‘ How 's my friend Mr Hattersley , then ? ’ sort of thing .
13 ‘ A fan behind the dug-out snarled at me and said I should have been killed along with my mate Brian Tiler and three others in a car smash , ’ he said .
14 She had the door open at the moment with these bloody dogs yapping and she looked at me and said I ca n't hear them !
15 He looked at me and said he often wondered how I told my books apart .
16 Then Lydia , who was part of the group , had a go at me and said you had to put your whole being into Christ 's hands and trust him to do the rest .
17 ‘ He just looked at me and said our affair had to stop .
18 And she looked at me and blinked her eyes I says you what means .
19 Then the big grey monster ran back through the trees , jumped at me and knocked me down .
20 Oh , I was n't and erm , the next thing I know I 've nearly fucking been bowled over , sort of the bags in fucking look behind me , so those two fucking bought the bags back down fucking legs and I 've just caught this like running round another , another thing , I thought oh fucking little kid , the next thing I know there 's another one gone pass me like , taken the bags , the handles out of the plastic bags , fucking and it was a girl that was going first this time , so I and sure enough there was a little fucking brat boy coming again , so I just went flying he sort of looked up at me and rubbed his eye like that and carried on running after the .
21 Oh sir , do you look at me and say you see someone who has been doing the ill-treating ? ’
22 It was like people were looking at me and guessing my age and looking to see if I had a ring on my finger .
23 I did n't want to stay there — I wanted to go home , but Mum told this old woman my name who smiled at me and showed me my bed and that .
24 I often notice him looking at me and paying me rather a lot of compliments .
25 As Noel Blanc , who has a collection of 20 classic cars , explains : ‘ When I 'm driving down the street in my hot-rod , people are waving at me and giving me the thumbs up .
26 Janice said suddenly , throwing herself at me and enveloping my upper torso in a hug that would have done credit to a grizzly .
27 My mother , having been deprived of one prospective son-in-law , Cedric , now got it in to her head that I might meet an American , and decide to marry him and live the rest of my life in the USA , where she could n't get at me and see what was going on .
28 She looked at me and put her finger to her lips , then got out the broom and began to sweep up the crumbs .
29 I give a little laugh and Peter looks over at me and hits it again , harder this time .
30 I 've never even managed to get through a job interview , even if it 's a woman doing the interviewing ; I just have this feeling that she is looking at me and judging me for all the wrong reasons .
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