Example sentences of "at [pers pn] and [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He looked at me and grinned and shook his head .
2 She looked at me and said that when I walked in this morning .
3 I , I mean I went like this into dinner okay , and I suppose everyone was like what 's she doing in a skirt or whatever cos they were all like looking and then like half way when I was eating I could feel them all staring at me and laughing and Jim and that lot were laughing and I could see Charlie
4 Cos every time I turn around yeah cos you two always sort of w looking at me and whispering and , you know , m half the time you have been talking about me cos I 've heard you mention my name and it 's not very nice .
5 Fenella looked over her shoulder at them and saw that they were looking at her with such blind trust and with such faith that cold anger rose in her at the evil Lord who had forced them to his work .
6 Made irrational by shock he stood and looked at them and believed that something terrible had happened to her .
7 Let me look at you and see if I remembered you right .
8 She was walking too quickly , stumbling occasionally , past long belts like dressing-gown cords hanging from poles , which plucked at her face as she pushed through , straying over a pile of new dyed wool , brilliant and damp , into a glare of sunlight , stepping back from a mule loaded with carpets , bumping into a wall where blue thread ran along from a spinning wheel , guarded from tangling by small boys who pushed at her and muttered and laughed ; she would have grasped at the thin thread to lead her out .
9 She saw him look down at her and saw that his skin was raw and flayed in places ; the arm of flesh and blood was scraped and scorched and the silver arm on the other side was reflecting the tremendous heat , so that it was copper coloured and glinting and must be causing him immense pain .
10 He looked at her and made that queer sound in his throat .
11 He looked at her and frowned as though he would make a denial and then he saw from her face that she knew the truth .
12 Guido 's totally unexpected reference to Arnie , and the way he 'd cocked his head at her and smiled as he 'd said it , had thrown her and made her feel totally vulnerable .
13 He looked up at her and smiled and she lay down with him on the grass in the sun .
14 Cousin Jane looked across at her and smiled and whispered something to Mike .
15 But , as she looked at him and witnessed that he was white with temper , so ‘ furious ’ seemed to be too mild a word .
16 She smiled down at him and realized that in the few weeks he 'd been with her he had not only put on weight but had grown a few inches in height too .
17 ‘ A chef as well , ’ she said sweetly , looking up at him and thinking that he must be awfully tall because she was five-ten , and he towered above her .
18 She started to bristle , but then she looked at him and saw that his smile was open and good-humoured .
19 She turned to stare at him and saw that he was smiling — a twisted smile that made her colour rise quickly .
20 Instead of subsiding now that he was no longer touching her , the disturbance he had caused deepened as she looked at him and understood that the warning was a personal one , merely dressed up as professional advice .
21 The friar just stared at him and concluded that Fitzosbert would have liked to have been born a woman .
22 Preston looked at him and wondered if they were the same nightmares he had .
23 With a small cry of anguish she took one last look at him and turned and fled .
24 Further , I believe that you can choose any job , identify the people who perform best at it and show that , if you go back over their lives and careers , you will find themes , patterns and trends from which you can develop a selection interview designed to find more of them .
25 I used to gaze at it and wish that I could have a dog just like the one in the picture .
26 I think a lot of people who suffer from asthma type diseases here do suffer quite severely erm because of this and I think that at some point we 're probably going to have to , to look at it and try and devise a system which , which allows us to pick up the grass .
27 People will look at it and see if it has relevance for them .
28 Right you could see , you could have a guess at it and see if three went round exactly .
29 In the end , he told me , he got quite good at it and reckoned that this form of involuntary pitch training was responsible for the fact that he had a good musical ear now .
30 Or perhaps she would paint a picture of Oliver and it would be hung in the National Gallery and everyone would come and look at it and weep because it was so beautiful .
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