Example sentences of "at [noun pl] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As in all such complicated and protracted events , both had right on their side at times which only served to perpetuate feelings of grievance .
2 And I know what I am , but what I am so closely resembles somebody else that at times it even scares me !
3 ‘ A great deal or risible tosh , ’ sniffed the Telegraph admitting : ‘ At times it even achieves a level of plodding competence . ’
4 At times it still feels like yesterday , otherwise it seems a lifetime away .
5 The shady ground under the coppice of trees was a blue and white carpet of anemones — what trouble Claire had with that word when she was little , at times it still defeated her .
6 At times it almost seems to run rather than wander !
7 At times he also invents myths himself .
8 At times he openly despised his boys ; one , who had a passion for candy bars , he nicknamed ‘ Munchpot ’ : ‘ Why do n't you justify your existence , Munchpot , ’ Bobby Hunt heard him say , ‘ and empty the wastepaper basket . ’
9 Indeed , at times she even seemed to go out of her way to draw attention to herself .
10 Access is a database management system aimed at non-programmers which also uses graphical tools .
11 I tried to get a lift from every vehicle that passed , but Oliver only stuck out his thumb at cars he really wanted to ride in , and sometimes even scowled at drivers whose cars he disapproved of .
12 What he did not repeat was a signal from Gen Keightley in Austria , sent on 10 May [ KP 59 ] , in which Keightley had specifically requested permission " to be able to shoot at Yugoslavs who categorically disobey orders from British commanders . "
13 In 1937 the Congregationalist Albert Peel reflected on the late Victorian and Edwardian periods : ‘ Ministers who began their pastorates in the twenty years before the war look back in amazement at sermons they then preached , with their acceptance of the inevitability of progress . ’
14 Nowell , a solicitor , and his wife Penny have taken thirty years to develop the lovely garden at Baubles which now boasts ornamental and wildlife ponds and a wide variety of trees , shrubs , a tennis court and a swimming pool .
15 By isolating these features , they argue , we can arrive at explanations which either elucidate the relations between large-scale social phenomena , or relate these to individual actions and attitudes .
16 But the main intended beneficiaries of the new law are unlikely to be able to afford the rents at places they now have legal access to .
17 The Ring of Eight was originally founded to dance at Christchurch Folk Festival but as well as dancing at festivals we also travel to craft fairs around the South of England and perform locally for the National Trust and other charities .
18 Our fathers slept with their Browning Army-issue pistols beside them and sometimes rushed into the starry African night , blazing away at burglars we never saw .
19 He had his own rooms in a separate part of the quinta , where he entertained his friends until late at night ; at meals he sometimes made a show of conversation with her , but otherwise they were as strangers .
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