Example sentences of "at [art] [noun] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Elswick , led by second place M45 Harry Matthews , won the team event at the North Eastern Vets Cross-Country Championships .
2 Dr Brian Murphy and his colleagues , at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the US National Institutes of Health have overcome this dilemma by growing a bird flu virus which does not cause human disease together with a strain of human flu virus .
3 An independent report supporting allegations that senior managers in the procurement office at the US National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) have systematically discriminated against African-Americans and have operated a ‘ social network ’ in which sexual favours are exchanged for career advancement has become the focus of a campaign by two civil rights organizations to improve conditions for blacks at NIH .
4 In 1981 the CUC acted corporately with a timely and well organised protest at the Government financial cuts .
5 I never cease to be amazed at the damage human beings do to one another .
6 They look at the newspaper front pages then back to the report .
7 Yeah I was looking at the petrol driven ones .
8 The new president in office at the EC Social Affairs Council , Tristan Garel-Jones , told the European Parliament in July that he was ready to place a great deal of importance on social problems and to work for the improvement of social conditions for all European citizens .
9 However , it is at the CID social functions which are sprinkled throughout the year ( especially at Christmas and any departmental promotion ) that you can clearly observe the CID style .
10 Since this decision has caused controversy , we thought it important to disclose the details and results of the analysis used at the Barcelona Olympic Games .
11 At the weekend senior managers expressed optimism about the future .
12 The Guildhall dinner at the Seatrade Annual Awards for Achievement , whose guest of honour was the Duke of York , was one of the division 's largest formal events .
13 In May , the RIBA Council agreed that in view of the changing social and political climate in South Africa it would welcome the opportunity to consider recognition of the courses at the South African schools which were de-recognised in 1986 .
14 The Providers are resident at the Tap alternate Tuesdays ( next is March 17 ) , at the Queen Catherine Hotel , Osmotherley , every other Sunday ( next on Sunday ) and soon at the Institute in Darlington .
15 At the Luxembourg foreign ministers ' meeting in January 1966 France agreed to rejoin Community bodies .
16 But they were not looking at one point , as the worshippers did at the Wimbledon Islamic Boys ' School ( Day Independent ) : they were moving up and down , backwards and forwards , bumping into each other and generally carrying on like people at Victoria Station during the rush hour .
17 Fees for 1985–86 set out below — These may be paid in one lump sum at the September Qualified Teachers ' Day if more convenient .
18 At the back occasional noises of activity from the park broke across the air ; she sat in the front room cool enough now to sew .
19 Fiendishly clever computer trading of financial instruments using hideously complex algorithms is all the rage on Wall Street and increasingly in Tokyo , and now researchers at the London Parallel Applications Centre , based at London 's Queen Mary & Westfield College , are developing special library tools for financial modelling with the support of Digital Equipment Co Ltd and Oxford mathematical library supplier Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd , or NAG .
20 Their faces contorted with tension and their voices hoarse from screaming deals , traders at the London financial futures market hit the floor running and did n't stop throughout the most hectic day they 've ever known .
21 DEC has decided to withdraw from exhibiting at the London Open Systems Show the first week in November , saying that it is worried about lack of support for the event .
22 This may be because by now she is find the spelling test hard and is getting anxious ; or it may be because she can not make an accurate guess at the way new words are pronounced .
23 We can look at the way other creatures behave and from our observations infer the senses to which they are responding , but our inferences may be misleading us .
24 The solution was found by looking inwards at the character and operations of our own Group rather than outwards at the way other organisations had approached the problem , and then asking two questions .
25 However , it is time to take a more positive view , and to look at the way early organisms began to combine energy from the sun with gases in the atmosphere and in so doing enabled life as we know it to evolve .
26 The dinner marked a Reporting Japan conference , which looked at the way western journalists report Japan .
27 The Government is also concerned at the way exotic birds are transported .
28 I 'm showing it at the Norwich Contemporary Arts Exhibition on October the third if I can get it there .
29 Billy looked at the girls perplexed faces .
30 The partners have already explained the rationale of the effort to developers that already offer versions of their applications for multiple environments , and more developers will be briefed at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference , set for San Jose next month .
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