Example sentences of "at [noun sg] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To return to football hooliganism in Britain itself , it is clear that the existence of ‘ ends ’ at football grounds all over the country plays a central part in maintaining working-class boys ' street-based culture .
2 According to Sarah Griffiths , UK Public Relations Manager , ‘ It has been creating a storm of interest at department stores all over the country . ’
3 One means was actually to take control of the youth 's entry into full-time wage-earning , in order to control the transition from school to work and , by offering vocational guidance and encouraging attendance at continuation schools together with an after-care system , to set initial standards with regard to attitudes and behaviour .
4 Yesterday 's trade figures showed clearly that export volumes were at record levels even in a worldwide economic downturn .
5 At body weights close to the required minimum women may still have anovulatory cycles even if they are menstruating because of a lack of peripherally produced oestrogen in adipose tissue .
6 Whilst this will allow a degree of variation in applying the Partial Indemnity Clause , nevertheless it is the intention that the Clause should apply in respect of a ) risks underwritten at non-schedule rates , or b ) if at schedule rates solely on account of experience or c ) where the main features of the risk is the number of vehicles rather than the related experience .
7 This is because a large number of collieries in the UK are continuing to produce coal despite the fact that their unit operating costs greatly exceed the proceeds obtainable at price levels both in the UK and elsewhere .
8 She called her a tart and a slut because she used to be married to a black man from South Carolina who sang basso at charity concerts all over Yorkshire and Lancashire and dropped dead at the Sun Hotel in Eccleshill in 1927 .
9 American Cobra and Black Hawf h borg Black Hawd crafts fired missiles and cannons at sniper posts close to where three Italians were killed in an ambush ten days ago .
10 Though he started with wrestling and all girl revues , by 1930-he was presenting variety bills at music halls all over the country .
11 Voice of Israel radio said that Israel wanted US Defence Secretary Richard Cheney to submit a written commitment to Congress that the aircraft would not be placed at air bases close to Israel and would not , under any circumstances , attack Israel .
12 Encourage anyone who wishes , to help at meal times either by preparing , serving or clearing away .
13 Though £80m of this was swapped into fixed rate money recently , this was still at what the company calls ‘ usurious ’ rates and only £60m of this total was borrowed at interest rates significantly below the high levels of today .
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