Example sentences of "at [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fielding deeply disapproved of the Ashbery , I knew , and was always on at me to take a suite , or a floor , of the Bartleby or the Gustave on Central Park South .
2 My dad , he thought she ought to do it , and he was amazed at me taking a stand . "
3 He was always on at me to become a cab driver or something .
4 ‘ Well , ’ the Doctor began , ‘ first I 've got your General Fakrid barking at me to find a way to polish off these eight twelves .
5 ‘ The people behind it are white , middle-aged , career criminals , real toe-rags who will stop at nothing to make a profit .
6 Unbelievably , there are some among us who will stop at nothing to keep a game on .
7 As in fact I had a go at that I had a go at I had a go at them about another prod er another photograph .
8 This narrowing or furring up of the arteries can slow down the flow of the blood to your heart ( giving rise to the condition known as angina ) or even cut off the supply completely , at which point a heart attack then occurs .
9 Close on line monitoring of the effects of interferon on viral replication revealed that in several patients HBeAg and HBV-DNA serum values decreased continuously and were almost negative when treatment was stopped ( week 24 ) at which point a relapse occurred .
10 At which point a child says , " It 's alright , I 've brought a magic spade with me .
11 The most efficient point at which to identify a word is thus after hearing the phoneme at which the word first differs from every other word in English .
12 At a case status hearing on 17 August , the court appointed a public defender to represent him and then adjourned the proceedings until a further status hearing on 3 January 1991 , at which time a trial date would be set .
13 The choice of the right level at which to study a phenomenon is as important a strategic decision in biology as is the choice of the right organism or the appropriate control experiment , and it affects present-day research just as much as it did twenty years ago .
14 Cecil and Michael are a good point at which to resume a discussion of the new cruelty ( if only because there 's nothing chic or otherwise important to be said about either ) .
15 In any case , even if she had been a skilled charmer it was not possible to allure somebody who slashed back at you like a master swordsman and drove the point in .
16 Everything came at you like a meteor , blasting out sound and colour and light .
17 At one meeting a chairman blithely told me as he went on to the platform that they would have the National Anthem at the end , changing his mind without consulting me first .
18 I can not remember but I do recall thinking he must be sharing my feelings of pity and anger at whoever felt a need to make their mark in such a way .
19 Supposing the audience laughed at her playing a soubrette role .
20 Look at him digging a bag of bones somewhere !
21 Others say that the resemblance one notices is between sensations , and that what one means when one says something is white is that a sensation one has on looking at it resembles a sensation one has had before and to which one gave the name ‘ sensation of white ’ .
22 Gillian Harris looks at what constitutes a success in the eyes of the publishing trade and the book-buying public .
23 Local Management of Schools also raises the problem of how extensively and at what costs a teaching post should be advertised ?
24 In terms of the process erm we are the first er major service committee to consider its budget for next year and I think everyone will be looking at us to set a pattern for the rest of this week .
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