Example sentences of "at [art] [noun] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And we can still go for cocktails at the Frasers ’ and bridge at the McAlpines and tee off with the Gordons and cruise with the Hamiltons with a united front , a respectable face , ca n't we , Fergus ? ’
2 It 's when you pick up one of the guns , feel the metal , that their potentiality strikes you , and you marvel at the precision and care put into them .
3 A continental landmass located at the north or south pole is likely to be ice-covered , and therefore very reflective : a lot of the impinging sunlight will be reflected back out into space .
4 The worst fear is that temperatures will rise most dramatically a t the poles , with a very real possibility that the huge ice caps at the North and South Poles wills tart breaking up and melting .
5 Even though the universe would have zero size at the North and South Poles , these points would not be singularities , any more than the North and South Poles on the earth are singular .
6 The laws of science will hold at them , just as they do at the North and South Poles on the earth .
7 I always remember your joke at the North and South Club when you told the Jamaican guy those things that he got mad at you that you did n't have a black belt but you had a yellow streak at Origami !
8 a statement automatically produced by the breath analysis machine by which the proportion of alcohol in the breath specimen was measured and certificate signed by a constable that the statement relates to a specimen provided by the accused at the date and time shown in the statement , and
9 My father checks the cellar every few weeks , going nervously down with a torch , counting the bales and sniffing , and looking at the thermometer and hygrometer .
10 Voltages at the row and column intersections channel electrons through the holes to create a dot on the screen .
11 Children would not be a natural product of such a union , so that objections directed at the welfare and support of a family would not apply .
12 The exhibition also looks at the making and selling of instruments on Merseyside over the past 200 years .
13 The old tank can usually be drained from the draincock at the boiler or gas circulator ( after turning this off ) : make sure that the gatevalve on the cold water supply to the hot water tank is closed before you do this .
14 The first of an enterprising new series of loan exhibitions can be seen until 10 January 1993 at the Art and Exhibition Hall , Bonn ( Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle ) , under the curatorship of Pontus Hulten , the Halle 's artistic director , who conceived of the scheme with Wenzel Jacob its managing director .
15 ‘ Veterinary College May 9th 1792 — At a meeting ( held at the Crown & Anchor Tavern in the Strand ) of a committee of Physicians and Surgeons appointed at the request of the Veterinary College , for the purpose of investigating the medical and chirurgical abilities of Mr C.B. Vial the professor of the above Institution , Present : John Hunter , Esq. , Sir George Baker , Bart. , Doctor Crawford , Doctor Packwood , Everard Home , Esq. , Mr Cline , Mr Vaux , Mr Peake and Mr Thos .
16 On the Sunday following , John Hunter chaired a meeting at the Crown & Anchor tavern , those present being Houlston , Crawford , Cline and Scott .
17 The medical examining committee met at the Crown & Anchor tavern up to 31 July 1809 and thereafter at the Freemasons ' tavern until at least 1821 .
18 A significant step was taken on 6 September 1791 at a meeting at the Crown and Anchor tavern in the Strand .
19 Kopyion sat on a chair , staring out of half-blind eyes at the screens and eating dates from a little box on his lap .
20 He looked down at the manuscript and locket and gave a little shudder .
21 However , the acknowledgement of the users ' need for direct access or browsing has not been coupled with any analysis of searching behaviour at the shelves or evaluation of the approach .
22 His jerkin was stained with dump patches at the armpits and chest .
23 Similarly , IPCC is looking at the possibility that sulphate pollution in the northern hemisphere is reflecting the sun 's heat and retarding global warming — another case where pollution control could raise fresh problems .
25 She was amazed that the food was served by a maid and was appalled at the stiffness and formality of the conversation .
26 A glance at the inscription and design of a modern coin , for instance , will nearly always tell us which state issued it and the year in which it was manufactured .
27 In this way , the novelist Virginia Woolf and the painter Vanessa Bell , sisters at the heart and hearth of the Bloomsbury Group , had established the Sussex outposts which would prove a magnetic draw to friends and acquaintances for the next quarter of a century .
28 Often these feelings and beliefs lead people to claim to know God and to glimpse the transcendent ; sometimes they represent that striving and longing for perfection which characterizes human beings but always they are concerned with matters at the heart and root of existence .
29 The problem is that although the beliefs and feelings are " always concerned with matters at the heart and root of existence " — which does suggest or give opportunity for something which is not just subjective in interpretation — it tends to subsume the religious view of life under what we might call a humanist umbrella .
30 A day-school looking at the structure and fabric of plant and animal life , organised by the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education .
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