Example sentences of "at [adj] [noun sg] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At that price it also really does n't matter if you drop the odd meal to try a local restaurant !
2 Moldan , whose name was on the StB register although he had not been an agent , admitted to meeting with StB agents but declared that " in the conditions in Czechoslovakia at that time it never crossed by mind that I could refuse " .
3 And as you say at that stage it really was just a matter of erm every man for himself really .
4 Even at this size it completely outclassed most Rutland villages , quite two-thirds of which had populations of fewer than 150 .
5 Jacobitism became attractive to a variety of different groups in the 1690s , including commonwealth Whigs , although at this time it still had little support in society at large .
6 At some stage it usually becomes necessary to move the dementing tenant to further care .
7 This request was obviously not well received , for at the bottom of the letter is the hand-written comment : ‘ At first sight it certainly appears a bad case of body snatching , but I assume this is not so . ’
8 At first sight it certainly seems wasteful in such circumstances to require the decision-maker to decide again , and in some cases refusal of relief might be justifiable .
9 At first glance it also looks like the perfect market of classic economic theory , where all potential buyers and sellers are simultaneously in touch with each other and able to agree the most acceptable price to meet their requirements .
10 At one time it simply commented on an offender 's suitability for probation , but following the recommendations of the Streatfeild Committee in 1961 , the probation service was encouraged to make more general recommendations as to sentence , in addition to the provision of more factual information concerning the offender 's character and personality , social background , educational record , employment and prospects .
11 At one point it nearly came off .
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