Example sentences of "at [noun] [pers pn] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On contemporary art sales undoubtedly enduring a difficult period at present he noted that even at the highest point of the market , revenue had not amounted to more than about 20% of the house 's total sales .
2 As I said God did n't leave it like that , because God did in Jesus Christ what we could never do for ourselves , you see you and I at times we felt that I , I want to be different from that and we , and we pushed against one of these pressures and so that we pushed it out a wee bit , but as we 've pushed there it 's come back in somewhere else and as we 've stopped pushing and we 've gone to another bit so that first that has become , has come back as it was and we spend our lives perhaps running around trying to get the circle back again , it 's an impossible task , we ca n't do it , we spend our whole lives in the frustration things and we , and we start blaming on things , if only that situation was different , if only those circumstances were different , but it 's far , far , far more fundamental than that and we 've got ta come to the place where we say well I ca n't do any thing about it , I 've tried my hardest , but I ca n't do it , and that 's where God comes and says hang on a minute I 'll do it for you and that 's what he did in Jesus Christ , he did for us what we could n't do for ourselves , the bible tells us that Christ is the perfect image of God , it 's in Colossians one fifteen and just er full verses further on in verse nineteen it says in him all the fullness of God , in Jesus , all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and so in Christ God 's son , God dealt with the problem of sin which had caused that twisting and that warping and that distortion , your life and in my life , that which spoiled his image in us he created us in his image , but you 've only got to look at people today , you 've only got to look at ourselves , see , where is the image of God , is that what God is like , jealous , filled with anger , bitterness , envy , is that what God is like , unclean thinking , is that what God is like that 's not his image , but he created us in his image perfect and what Jesus Christ did on the cross , is to restore that image , that original image in you and me , to recreate us in the image of God , so in
3 It was not raining , but at times it seemed that the car would be lifted off the road .
4 He said that at times it appeared that the only effective opposition to what was becoming a single-party government was from the press .
5 At times she believed that he was seeking Camilla 's advice about his marriage or making arrangements to see her .
6 But at trial she said that this admission had been falsely made in order to protect her son .
7 At nightfall he mounted and rode straight for Poitou , pausing only to send an envoy to his father with the message that he would never allow anyone to take his place as Duke of Aquitaine .
8 While I was at Fender I decided that I was going to start my own company , and in 1983 went ahead with Metaltronix .
9 At home she unloaded and stacked them in the basement .
10 When engaged in writing the naval history of the war , he had of course accumulated more material , both British and German , than he was ever able to use ; and one day over coffee at Cambridge I asked if he knew of any naval occasion of the Second World War which had not yet been told and which , in his view , ought to be .
11 Arriving at Agheila they discovered that all the aircraft based there left at night , so something else had to be improvised .
12 Half past eleven at night they went and knocked Wendy 's door and says can you give me some photos of your daughter and there were two girls and they thought that they were the only two and the woman said that the only two girls I know that are alike them , their age group , erm , er are Nicholas daughter and erm , and erm her friend
13 Diana daubed luminous paint on the eyes of her cuddly green hippo so that at night it seemed as though he was keeping watch and looking after her .
14 At night I tossed and turned to dreams of such emotional intensity that I went to work as tired as I was the day before .
15 He said but I sit at night he said when she 's gone to work and he said and help them with their drawings and things they 're doing .
16 We chatted a little after the movie and well out over the Atlantic at 37,000ft I commented that a lot of my consultancy work was with the British Conservative Party .
17 At midnight she knew that Jasper would not be coming .
18 When Cato 's supporters arrived at court they found that they had been pre-empted .
19 In the fitting rooms at Taylors she fussed and fretted over her creations like a mother hen and though Paula was overawed by the great designer she also liked her on sight .
20 On arrival at Jalo they found that the battle was still in progress , but enough petrol was obtained to get the convoy safely back to Kufra .
21 At Oxford I discovered that most people were only too willing to be friendly if I gave them a chance .
22 Going through it at lunchtime we wondered if that really is what was meant , it 's terribly important one way or the other .
23 At lunchtime she knew that Prince Charles had gone to present Camilla with her gift , even leaving behind his senior bodyguard , Chief Inspector John McLean .
24 At Rass he heard that Ibrahim was evacuating all but the Hijaz and had withdrawn to Medina .
25 At length she decided that there was nothing to be gained by worrying her .
26 At night-time we noticed that the most sophisticated anti-missile systems which Iraq possessed would be brought silently into the derelict yard behind the hotel , manned by figures who were dressed in black and wearing black balaclavas .
27 In the ante-room at Electricity she smiled and waved to Mrs Whitfield : Here I am , a good girl ! but Mrs Whitfield looked away .
28 The the only job which I told Neil I do not expect him to take is working for waste disposal because he did that , this time last year and before he started he was full of big talk about you make a lot of money and you get a lot of tips at Christmas he found that you do not make a lot of money and you do not get generous tips at Christmas
29 As we loaded up the trucks with everything we would need for our month away at Canjuers I felt that we might be about to learn some soldiering .
30 Eugénie loved the sea and was a strong swimmer even though at Biarritz she found that ‘ the sea was very cold and it required great strength of mind to get in ’ .
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