Example sentences of "he might be [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His mind filled with primitive lore and with a sense of awkwardness at the numerous exhausting social roles he had to play in addition to that of the London banker , Eliot wrote to Mary Hutchinson in 1920 worrying about his inherited characteristics and suggesting that he might be a savage himself .
2 Looked a sensible , down-to-earth type to me , and he might be a corrective to what we 've just been hearing .
3 ‘ Well he might be a bit faster because he 's lighter — but in most of the games he does n't stand a chance , said Hawk . ’
4 I do n't know whether he might be a bit funny about it .
5 I 'm getting a bit worried , well I 'm getting worried myself but I do n't know , I think he might be a bit nervous .
6 He might be a bit less philosophical about that one , in that it was , it was great , it was catchable was n't it ?
7 He might be a fat , wealthy merchant now but fifteen years ago he had fought as a knight , shoulder to shoulder with men who feared nothing on earth .
8 He might be a man with a wife in absentia , but he usually directed his charismatic charm towards ladies who , once again , he rightly suspected , knew their way about .
9 He might be a prisoner of war .
10 It was three years ago , when her husband was a new Cabinet Minister and there was a scare that he might be a target for the IRA .
11 In those days we thought he might be a ballet dancer ’ .
12 However , underlying this was his teachers ' deeper concern that he might be a victim of physical and sexual abuse .
13 Sebastian thought he might be a journalist .
14 ‘ It is a measure of the level of the people with which he was dealing , in that at a time when he thought he might be a witness in another case , he was assaulted rendering him unconscious and his house was the subject of an arson attack . ’
15 ‘ It is a measure of the level of the people with which he was dealing in that , at a time when he thought he might be a witness in another case , he was assaulted , rendering him unconscious , and his house was the subject of an arson attack . ’
16 By Wednesday he might be a lot better if you keep him in .
17 He might be a shopbreaker .
18 In the summer he might be a guest at a Mediterranean villa or at his house on the Costa Smeralda .
19 That 's why Lisabeth thought he might be a musician or maybe somebody giving you work or something .
20 They just grabbed this bloke who 's standing outside the music area , thinking he might be a musician and he is n't , but it does n't matter .
21 He might be a pal of Livingstone 's but there is still nothing to excuse Thompson 's mealy-mouthed attitude. : - .
22 I felt that he might be the person to bring out the spiritual element in Joyce 's life , as well as the comedy .
23 The bow suggests that he might be the Master of Animals or Enualios , the god of war .
24 Once again Sunderland had to thank goalkeeper Tony Norman for some inspired saves but at first it seemed that he might be the villain of the piece after gifting bottom-of-the-table Brighton an 11th minute lead .
25 Kallibunker 's coat was short , sparse and curly , and it was quickly realized that he might be the forerunner of an entirely new breed of pedigree cat .
26 Until she proved otherwise she had to constantly bear in mind that he might be the enemy .
27 He might be the key to her freedom , but she still hated him for the confusion he aroused in her .
28 ‘ If we did he might be the murderer , ’ said Lydia .
29 ‘ In fact , I wondered if he might be the reason your engagement is off . ’
30 If he does it 'll be interesting to see whether or not he might be the player to come in and take Gary 's place and see whether he can strike up a partnership with .
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