Example sentences of "he may well have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He may well have trailed us back into London . ’
2 He may well have heard in some reach of his mind an as yet uncreated harmony , as a composer hears the music that he is about to translate into sound .
3 But he may well have kicked up another by exposing the eight other Test-playing nations .
4 However , he may well have made the wrong choice for the right reason .
5 He may well have believed that the factionalization inherent in Woodville control of the heir posed such a threat to political stability that his own rule was preferable — he may have persuaded himself , in fact , that he was acting for the good of the realm .
6 He may well have believed that the factionalization inherent in Woodville control of the heir posed such a threat to political stability that his own rule was preferable — he may have persuaded himself , in fact , that he was acting for the good of the realm .
7 But Acts is clearly not intended to give a complete account of Paul 's activities , and he may well have visited Jerusalem on other occasions which are not recorded .
8 He may well have imagined when he met me that he was acquiring the means of escape from the kingdom of the past .
9 He kept in check the political and economic expectations of his people , but in so doing he may well have placed a burden on his young and untried successor , the fourteen-year-old Makhostive , his son by Ntombi Latfwala , who was queen regent of Swaziland from 1983 until the prince was crowned in April 1986 .
10 If so , such expedients failed , for Ælfgifu was soon back in England supporting her son , and he may well have owed his popularity in the midlands partly to her Mercian kindred .
11 Moreover in the years 1176–7 he was taking a keen interest in the competing politics of the Spanish kingdoms and he may well have instructed Richard to ensure that the great road south from Bordeaux to the Pyrenees was kept open for travellers of all sorts , pilgrims , traders and couriers .
12 It makes sense that if he were able to play as well at Test level as in county matches he may well have scored 80 first-class hundreds already .
13 For himself , he may well have decided that his cavils against classical philology applied equally to academe in general , so that , wounded pride apart , he was hardly worse off than before .
14 He may well have asked his sister to invite Meredith .
15 He may well have lost customers ; and even those he retained would no doubt have been despondent if not positively angry at what they were having to pay .
16 He may well have been scorned , he may well have lost his job bad word may have got back to Rome , they may have sent the telegrams back to Caesar telling him all about Pilate , but it was n't sufficient reason for him rejecting Christ .
17 If ( as he may well have done ) he thought that he was the Messiah , then his choosing of the twelve would seem to have been a symbolic action , through which he should indicate to people who he was .
18 He may well have seen the picture in the great series of paintings in Pope Innocent II 's ( 1130 – 43 ) new rooms at the Lateran .
19 In their discussion of this incident Asikpasazade and Nesri refer to " Mevlana Haydar " as danismend " newly come from Persia " , so that he may well have arrived in the Ottoman lands at about the same time as Fahreddin Acemi .
20 Borg had enjoyed what he may well have considered an unrepeatable run of success ; perhaps he thought it was all downhill from there .
21 The application of this incorrect test may have materially affected the judge 's decision , since he may well have considered that the children 's welfare overrode the mother 's wishes and feelings , a matter to which he should have had particular regard under section 10(9) ( d ) ( ii ) .
22 He had accomplished nothing and he may well have meditated on the difference between his situation and that of his uncle at the Erfurt meeting with the German Princes in 1808 .
23 Here he may well have acted as a diplomatic go-between in introducing them to the Roman traders , whose imports have been found at their main centre , the great oppidum at Bagendon near Cirencester .
24 It is also worth noting , however , that Gregory 's family was closely associated with Dijon , and that he may well have relished the prospect of a major cult close to his family estates .
25 He may well have attracted public attention initially by excelling in hurley or Gaelic football , and have achieved some prominence as a county councillor .
26 Moreover , if Richard discussed peace on the assumption that he would be the heir to all his father 's dominions then he may well have re-activated very real differences of opinion which had lain dormant since the spring of 1185 .
27 If Cadwallon believed himself to be descended from a Votadini chieftain , he may well have wished to support the Votadini in their continuing war with the northern Angles .
28 He may well have misjudged how much he 'd had . ’
29 Nonetheless , he may well have had a guilty conscience : he certainly tried to use his influence to poison Mozart 's career , out of sheer jealousy at the younger man 's superior talents ; but he does not seem to have been directly involved in his death .
30 Since the Duke supported Constantine 's claim he may well have brought Bertrand to Normandy on the theory that it was safer than leaving him behind to foment trouble .
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