Example sentences of "he may not have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But he may not have done another thing ; he may just have faded into obscurity if he 'd lived on . ’
2 While he may not have said in so any words that these encounters with the press had been an " eye-opener , he did remember that he had been sincerely treated by the Journalists courtesy and by the beneficent power of journalism in the modern world . "
3 There was grumbling that he may not have heard among tribesmen at al Hassaniyeh who are resentful at not being able to voice their grievances freely .
4 He may , like his father , have had a wetnurse ( though his father as one of twins was atypical ) , and if so he may not have remained with Judith when , for instance , she travelled to Rouen to meet her husband in November 824 .
5 The acceptance of Dalton as his patron by the uncompromisingly idealistic Richard seems odd , though he may not have realised the character of the man at this stage .
6 After Kissingen Alexander made Kavelin tutor to the heir to the throne , but he may not have realized the extent of the tutor 's radicalism .
7 He may not have lost his ability to balance , or he may have relearned it through his therapy sessions .
8 If the patient has been misled or misinformed he may not have given a genuine consent or refusal .
9 Kubrick presumably thinks that scientists , engineers and astronauts are dull dogs , a perception ( or rather , opinion , since it 's often untrue ) that he may not have imparted to Clarke .
10 He may not have won a championship , but he had taken Leeds from bottom of the table to fourth , their highest position ever , in a much stiffer competition than the Southern League .
11 He may not have returned to Paris in 1944 with all his answers to France 's problems fully formed , but he had at least decided what the problems were .
12 He may not have expected them to do that , ’ objected Noble reasonably .
13 He may not have attracted the cameras in quite the way the Princess did , but he certainly brought recognition and respectability to every company or organization whose threshold he crossed .
14 No , because in the case of the Beethoven Seventh , he may not have learnt that quick music sounds dull unless every note is articulated .
15 He may not have meant it , but that was precisely what he was about to do .
16 He mentions this ‘ fee ’ in his book , too ; he may not have relished the idea of paid officials cadging tips .
17 Snobbery may provide one answer : in his supposed solidarity with his own kind , he may not have wished to suggest that a tenant farmer could prove more generous of spirit than the laird .
18 The first victim was found just after midnight in a shelter at the end of the Easthaven promenade , the local tart , incidentally , although he may not have known or cared .
19 The Chief Whip , Richard Ryder , should carry the can , even though he may not have known exactly what was being done by his people .
20 Presidential support scores are compiled by calculating the number of times members of Congress vote in a way preferred by the president , even though he may not have proposed the measure in question .
21 He may not have got here yet . ’
22 ‘ I 'm afraid so , but it probably did n't last long and he may not have cried out .
23 The monks ' election of their own prior as bishop had recently been quashed by Archbishop Langton , who almost certainly approved , though he may not have engineered , the election of Alexander .
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