Example sentences of "he could [adv] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 When the hare belittled the tortoise for his slow ways , the tortoise responded that he could nevertheless win a race between them .
2 He could even smell a packet of cigarettes hidden in a coat pocket several metres away !
3 Undeterred by an evasive reply , he told me he could even provide a reliable guide who would conduct me across the border .
4 And even now , as he never has time off for spending the twenty-something quid a week they 'll dish him for the one-hundred-and-twenty-hour stint he puts in most weeks , he could just afford a wife and kid .
5 Straining his ears , he could just hear a metallic scratching noise .
6 When he stood up he could just see a fire engine as if on the high seas diving and heaving towards him .
7 Asik heard a rumbling noise and he could just see a small cloud of dust appearing in the distance .
8 Though he was a little surprised , he smiled and said with alacrity that he could just use a cup of coffee , and he lounged after her as she bustled around the kitchen .
9 He could also write a valedictory letter .
10 He learned to play golf one-handed , although he could also use a two-handed grip sometimes if he controlled the left hand carefully with the right .
11 He could also see a line of washing , which included , he realized to his delight , the clerical undergarments .
12 He could also ride a horse , with or without a saddle , and hit a target ten times out of ten with arrows from his bow , but neither of these things seemed to count .
13 He could also play a variety of instruments ( and passed on this ability to his children ) and knew songs and melodies which had never been written down — just passed on from ear to ear via generations of Dalesmen .
14 ‘ Snag is , if Chelsea win in the same week as a good second Test result , he could well call a ‘ feel-good ’ election of the following Thursday … ’
15 Yeah , but he could probably do a two till ten shift , but the two would be alright , but you would n't want to go out ten o'clock at night and pick him up .
16 Actually , he could probably get a game .
17 Dona Teresa tells you that her husband Manoel came home from work sick , his knees shaking , his body weak and so tired he could barely swallow a few mouthfuls of dinner .
18 He could simply enjoy a tramp 's way of life , or take the micky out of such a life as this , but I think he is interested and wonders why and how , people take a person 's image for what is hidden deep down inside us , blocked off by an impression to put across .
19 I suggested that he might like to go and have a talk with his crew , I did not want to send him back to his squadron , but with a new navigator I believed he could eventually forge a good Pathfinding crew .
20 He could neither put a stop to the gossip nor put William on trial .
21 He could always have a relapse later if necessary .
22 He could never wash a cup up because they were all on the draining board .
23 Meanwhile Aureole had got into top gear and came through into second place , but try as he might he could never pose a threat to Pinza , who galloped on relentlessly to win by four lengths , with Pink Horse running on to take third place a length and a half further adrift and the gallant Shikampur a tired fourth .
24 Tests had proved that he could never father a child .
25 But he could never get a straight answer out of William , not nowadays .
26 Once she was better , he insisted on starting again , explaining to the young woman that he could never resume a canvas that had been abandoned .
27 He could never resist a cherry , ’ said a soft voice , and they all turned .
28 She was perfectly calm , perfectly quiet , and had nothing to say , other than a reiteration of her previous statement , to wit , ‘ he could never resist a cherry ’ .
29 He could never trust a woman again .
30 From time to time Mr Salmon used to read to me from his morning paper , but as he could never find a mention of the Royal Fusiliers I did n't discover what the old man was up to .
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