Example sentences of "he had not [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Doubtless he paid a price for that , too , in the misery that darkened his later life , but if he had not felt that misery he could never have created the works he did .
2 He had not observed that , from the gale it had been , it had risen through level after level of violence to a power that no man living on Orkney had ever experienced or was to experience again .
3 He answered that he had not realised that , as a pilot of an aircraft , he needed one .
4 He had not realised that Lord Cumbermound had recognised him .
5 He had not realised that there were people in the area , i.e. he gave no thought to the risk .
6 He had not realized that it would be the sort of modern play where people strip off and simulate the beginnings of a sexual encounter .
7 The reality represented the truth about movie-making itself , and a final shattering of all the illusions that had ever been presented to a cinema audience , for , seemingly , he had not realized that he had built into his masterpiece a piece of self-destruct mechanism .
8 He had not realized that there would be so much to do .
9 He had not realized that the boundaries of the black hole according to the two definitions would be the same , and hence so would their areas , provided the black hole had settled down to a state in which it was not changing with time .
10 He had not grasped that Ruby worked that day with a mere photograph and a photograph was all Rain had in her possession .
11 Holmes had told Stapleton that he would return to London , but he had not said that I was going too .
12 He had not said that he believed her , had only touched her for that fleeting moment , but she knew what she had felt .
13 Bartlett 's recall may be elusive , while the popular Roland Lefebvre is left pondering sadly on what might have been if he had not suffered that pre-season arm injury in a misplaced prank involving Sussex 's Brad Donelan .
14 Hank tossed a packet over to him , and he had lit one before he realized that he had not known that his son smoked .
15 No one would have constructed them in the form they have if he had not known that at all costs he must , when it comes to experimental predictions , obtain those same results which the statistically interpreted Schrödinger equation seems to produce so economically and naturally .
16 A few hours ago he had not known that she existed , now he was a licensed voyeur , authorized to meddle in her most intimate concerns .
17 Frank claimed that he had not known that Gobie was running a prostitution service from Frank 's apartment on Capitol Hill and that he had dismissed him upon learning of it .
18 Thus provisioned , he invited Louise to come to the banqueting hall to celebrate her birthday , though in a very quiet way , he assured her ; he had not forgotten that she must still be suffering on account of her father , who had only recently taken his last dive down the well in the Residency yard in the wake of so many of his former patients .
19 He had not forgotten that he was a Jew , but had recognized the power of the gods of his masters and had acted in accordance with their orders .
20 He had not anticipated that she would still retain sufficient will-power to deny him when he had asked his empty , ritual question .
21 He had not expected that they would be worshipped like gods , but on a world where technological ability excited only minimal interest , all of them were at a considerable disadvantage until they were able to prove themselves against local standards of performance .
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