Example sentences of "he had [been] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So , eager to help , she went over to him , he had been around for a while but he was strange so nobody really spoke to him .
2 He had been neither to a great school nor to a university .
3 Rostov shook his head , concealing the knowledge that he had been briefly in danger of his life .
4 He had been Away on a Course when she first joined , and when she met him it was — as far as she was concerned — hate at first sight .
5 The latter , a cashier with the company , immediately protested his innocence and said that he had been away on holiday at the time .
6 After his visits to London his wife was waiting to welcome him as if he had been away for weeks , and she was always dutiful in bed .
7 Nevertheless they smiled and waved at him as he came in and Deuce , at the tape recorder , came over , arms open , as if he had been away for weeks .
8 He had been away for some hours .
9 He had been away from his wife and family for nearly two weeks now .
10 He was tempted to go in and get it over , but he had been away from his temporary headquarters for a long time and he did not even know if the body had bean recovered successfully .
11 Perhaps the patient had taken medicine for his stomach while he had been away from the table , and taken too much .
12 Jarvis Stringer 's grandparents ' qualifications for keeping a school were that he had been up at Oxford where he had read Greats and she had left Goldsmith 's College halfway through her teacher training .
13 Only that he had been up at San Carlos about two years and had a wife that was supposed to be very pretty and about fifteen years younger than he was .
14 He had been up for hours , out on the farm , before eating .
15 I imagined he had been up to something I would rather not know about .
16 He had been up to my room that afternoon and asked my advice .
17 She could n't care less what he had been up to , but quite suddenly it had become imperative that she steer the conversation away from herself and divert the interest he was showing in her .
18 He kicked his holdall out of the way and flopped down on to the sofa , quite exhausted by whatever he had been up to since the day he left .
19 He had been up since five to meet the boat from which he was being exploited .
20 He had been apart from Irina on many occasions — too many — but a permanent separation was something he still had to get used to .
21 There may be occasions when it is quite right or entirely understandable that an asylum applicant did not make his claim until he had been here for some time .
22 When I was eventually connected with my Commander-in-Chief I was to learn that this was the first night he had been abed in 13 consecutive nights of operations .
23 So to the middle-aged man who came up to me in the car park and confessed that in the fifth form he had been silently in love with me — why did n't he say so at the time ?
24 In later years , Roderick confided that he had been far from happy with the title , for the book certainly was not " elementary " .
25 In the first place he had been in to his office and delayed their departure until after lunch .
26 Born about 1182 in Normandy , the son of a German father ( Henry the Lion ) and an Aquitanian mother , he had been much in the company of his uncle , King Richard I , who created him count of Poitou at the age of fourteen .
27 He had been abroad on his support-gathering tour at the time of the malai invasion .
28 He had been across to New York with The Lady 's Not For Burning , just before the Stratford season .
29 He had been twice to Iraq .
30 He had been twice into Ruane 's office , and the first time the block had been polite , and the second time he had been told rather less politely to sit on his hands and wait , like everybody else had to .
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