Example sentences of "he had [vb pp] back from " in BNC.

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1 Turning down offers of work , Crawford took a rest after six exhausting years , during which he had bounced back from his film disappointments to become one of Britain 's top television and stage stars .
2 The way he had fought back from that position showed that the grit demonstrated in all those celluloid heroes was not just acting .
3 ‘ To us , he had come back from the dead , ’ his mother , Camilla Swann , said yesterday .
4 Rebecca West , representing the polite world of letters at this proletarian scene of retribution , was being told by an elderly man how he had come back from viewing his grandchildren 's bodies at the public mortuary and heard the voice of the condemned criminal mocking him over the radio .
5 he had come back from the meeting with Patrick , and he had opened a bottle of whisky … automatically his had reached for it , found it between his legs , and he was raising it to his lips when the hurried knocking shook the door again .
6 When he had come back from Grasmere the first thing he had done — despite George Wood 's vehement protests — was to pay back the loan and bring his hotel bill up to the mark .
7 Would they find each other much changed , or would it be like it was when he had come back from school for the holidays ?
8 He had that look he used to get on Saturday mornings after he had come back from the shops .
9 ’ On the north-east corner he asked for a castellated bell tower in which to house the bell he had brought back from Lille .
10 Besides having this example of baronial efficiency before his eyes , common sense might have suggested the importance of revealing at once the new conditions for ecclesiastical support which he had brought back from the Roman Council of 1099 .
11 He was ostracized after his return by an ‘ electorate ’ which certainly included the 4000 hoplites he had brought back from Ithome , who went on to fight the Spartans hard over thy next decade and a half of warfare ( the First Peloponnesian War , see further p. 39 ) .
12 On Wednesday , he swallowed his pride , banked Dysart 's cheque and purchased a car with most of what remained from the cash he had brought back from Rhodes .
13 He had been painted in wonderful Afghan clothes , a tunic and turban of deep blue and red embroidered with gold , clothes he had brought back from the exploits during which he had found Charlotte , the fabulous exploits that had been Alexandra 's bedtime stories every night , every single night in childhood , haunting her sleep with nightmares of cruelty and savagery in wild , barbaric places .
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