Example sentences of "he had [vb pp] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He had broken with his family long ago .
2 It was the 15th bone he had broken in his career and it is now held together by two bolts and an 18-inch steel pin .
3 Since his return he had stayed in his own office with Detective-Superintendent Mercer of the local C.I.D .
4 He had apologised for his wife 's absence .
5 He had cast in his lot with England , and there was no going back .
6 IN his last letter to Ashcroft Noble , Edward tried to express his thanks to the dying man for the new direction he had given to his life :
7 On that third morning , though , it had been Haynes who led out the home team , since Richards was in the press box breathing fire at Daily Express journalist James Lawton who had asked him for an explanation of the V-sign he had given to his own crowd .
8 But by the end of last year Mr Yanagitani had lost so much money that he was unable to honour the investment guarantees he had given to his clients .
9 Despite several inconsistencies with the account which he had given in his November testimony [ see pp. 39191-92 ] , he steadfastly refused to accede to the growing demands for his resignation .
10 A 100-YEAR-OLD man was assaulted and robbed yesterday as he walked to the bank to deposit £1,450 he had saved for his funeral .
11 He said huskily , ‘ Let me , McAllister , ’ and began to unbutton her blouse , ‘ I want to stroke you , McAllister , and not your clothes , ’ and she made no effort to stop him , and when he bent his head to kiss the breasts he had fondled with his hands the cry which she gave was one of pleasure , not fear , for now it was Dr Neil loving her so carefully that the flood of pleasure was almost on her from that alone .
12 The same little girl who he had loved like his own , who had waved wildly at him until the train had disappeared around the bend .
13 The account he had written of his experiences at Waimea on 18 January 1985 had won a prize .
14 In this case , a computer programmer developed a computer program which was similar to one he had written for his previous employer .
15 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
16 The family were surprised to hear that he had written to his father asking if he could bring a friend to stay .
17 Sir Charles told everyone what he had written in his will . ’
18 Woolley refused to see them ; he had retired to his hut and practised the accordion .
19 One day , soon after he had retired from his legal practice , Hilbert told Lewis he had made a will that was ‘ very much to your advantage ’ .
20 After his return Mozart 's compositions included experiments with keyboard concerto writing in the form of arrangements of sonata movements of works by some of the composers he had met on his journeys ( Honnauer , Eckard etc ) ( 8 ) .
21 He met Agnes , the brazen lady-in-waiting , whom he had met on his last visit to Kinghorn .
22 In 1906 , he married a widow he had met on his first Australian tour in 1887–88 , and after becoming secretary to Neasden Golf Club , he took £300-a-year sinecure as secretary of Queen 's Club , for his stockbroking activities had not flourished .
23 He had lived with his past for the best part of fifty years , and his book tells what he had come to know of it over that interval of time , with help from the theories of Marx and Freud .
24 His virginity , his half-shameful fear of her close , warm-smelling , overwhelming femaleness , his social insecurity , born in that small , terraced house near the river at Ely , where he had lived with his widowed mother , nurtured by the desperate contrivings , the small deceptions of respectable poverty , the deprivation that was so much more humiliating than the real poverty of the inner cities .
25 Until then , he had lived with his parents at their home in Princes Risborough .
26 For the next four years he had lived in his private hell , and his silence had condemned her to live in it with him .
27 Winifred had sat for hours in those early days on the sofa , next to Marcus , who moved away , and like a parody of a mad religious discipline , abbreviated his answers , elongated his silences , until he had imposed on his mother a similar pattern of behaviour .
28 For example , that was the view that he had expressed to his old wartime comrade Maurice Schumann in February 1958 .
29 He had auditioned on his own stubborn initiative , although people had warned him that because of his colour he was wasting his time .
30 As he waited for the executioner , he was dressed in the blue suit that he had worn on his last public appearance .
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