Example sentences of "he had not see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Under cover of buying a magazine from the stall opposite , Isabel glanced over , and then stared more persistently , for he had not seen her , was not so much as looking up from his counting .
2 He had not seen her for a while and he was pretty sure she had committed suicide .
3 He had not seen her since early Friday morning .
4 Then a voice spoke , and he realised , incredulously , that Dinah Asshe was here before him , and he had not seen her because he was looking at the dog .
5 He had not seen her so close at hand for months .
6 Even though he had not seen her yet , Creggan felt in awe of her .
7 He had not seen her since she had attacked him to stop him hitting Oliver .
8 He had not seen her enter because his attention had been fixed upon the well-ordered panoply of her retinue .
9 He had not seen her all day and badly wanted to say goodbye , but there was no sign of her in the crowd that had gathered to see them off .
10 He was coming so fast that she knew he had not seen her and she had to brake sharply , frowning with exasperation .
11 Though Old Red had looked at me so keenly , I would be prepared to swear on oath that he had not seen me at all .
12 Eden wrote : ‘ After three months without a comment from the Prime Minister ’ ( he had not seen him during this period , which included the ‘ internationalization ’ of the Spanish Civil War ) , ‘ I found this an astonishing doctrine , ’
13 He felt strangely afraid and tried to pretend that he had not seen him , but Basil hurried after him .
14 ‘ Although he had not seen us for six weeks , he soon recognised us and started shouting Tuffin George all over the shop . ’
15 He had not seen it before in his panic to ring the ambulance and get Mrs Popple to hospital .
16 It had been there but he had not seen it .
17 He had not seen it .
18 He knew , instantly ; his gaze went to the girl who had so intrigued him and he was only amazed he had not seen it right away .
19 No , he had n't seen her for a week before that weekend ; he had missed her — this with a baleful glance towards the door — and had indeed got as far as ringing her up on the Saturday morning , hoping she would come up for Sunday , but had got no answer from her flat .
20 He had n't seen her eat anything for a long time .
21 Swire Sugden seemed very impressed with Mollie but then he had n't seen her with her skirt tucked in her bloomers showing her skinny legs .
22 He had said he had n't seen her in the shop , so he must have called in on occasions when Ann would be in the sweet shop and Arthur Peeble in the tobacconist 's or her father was there taking Peeble 's place ; he rarely served in the sweet shop .
23 She even told them about the nice young man who said he had n't seen her for some time .
24 He had n't seen her , but the closeness of him moved her to flight .
25 He had n't seen her before .
26 He had n't seen her for five years .
27 She waved effusively and he could n't pretend he had n't seen her .
28 Someone ought to talk to Lily Bates , yes , that was what he had said and meant , but it might not have been him if he had n't seen her for himself that afternoon between five and six , the period between Hook Road School closing and Rose leaving her office at Belmodes ; the time Steve would have made his own .
29 Well he had n't seen her for many years ?
30 He had n't seen them and did n't know who they were .
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