Example sentences of "he had [adv] seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had also seen into the mind .
2 She raised her head , astonished and relieved that he had not seen through her .
3 A NUCLEAR test veteran has been reunited with two Fijian pals he had not seen since the notorious Christmas Island atomic bomb tests 34 years ago .
4 One he had not seen at all , the fourth , who had stayed at the hideout ready to kill Simon Cormack on a phone call , or a no-show by his colleagues by a certain time .
5 He thought of his wife and child whom he had not seen for over a month .
6 At Warrington , a deaf man decided to pay a visit to a relative he had not seen for some time , and set off to cycle there .
7 Some parts of the house he had not seen for twenty years .
8 D'Arcy recognised the faces of several ex-special forces personnel whom he had not seen for some time .
9 Dong , because of his unusual height , had a clear view of the new arrivals above the heads of the crowd — and within a matter of seconds his startled eyes fell on two familiar faces that he had not seen for well over a year .
10 A friend he had not seen for ages came into the bar with his wife , and , in the end , the three of them went on somewhere for dinner .
11 Benedict , at less than ten years of age , was himself delivered into the care of the mother he had not seen for almost two years .
12 Esther was no beauty , but she had a certain handsomeness about her , a particular wickedness he had not seen in other women .
13 When he took the ale into the warm farmhouse living room and saw everyone standing around the crackling log fire with food and drinks in their hands , he thought again of what he had just seen through the kitchen window .
14 Every time Dustin saw his name in block letters on the marquee of a movie house , he was assailed with thoughts of his own mortality , a subject that constantly obsessed him , especially as he had already seen into the abyss .
15 He had already seen to it that fodder had been stored in stone-built barns situated at strategic points on lower pastures .
16 On transferring his official residence from Burgos to Madrid , in October , Franco " toured the Sierra de Guadarrama , looking for a place he had already seen during the war " in which he planned to locate his war memorial .
17 Mike was on his way home from school when he met his uncle whom he had n't seen for ages .
18 He wrote to his sister , who he had n't seen for a year , as he had been travelling round Europe before joining the Legion .
19 His astonished gaze was fixed on the second familiar face staring out at the public floggings from amid the crowd of frightened coolies on the first truck , a face he had n't seen for even longer — that of his own father !
20 His face was so dark and wizened that he reminded Corbett of a monkey he had once seen in the royal menagerie in the Tower of London .
21 He realized with a shock that they reminded him of steers he had once seen in a railroad siding back home in Richmond , Virginia , crowded uncomprehendingly in trucks bound for the slaughterhouse .
22 There before him stood one of the tallest , thinnest men he had ever seen outside a circus .
23 Another sneeze dawned and he reached yet again for his handkerchief , an object which Milton felt was about as disgusting as anything he had ever seen outside the occasional severed head in a motorway accident .
24 And that morning 's takings had trebled and brought her new custom , for he had always seen to it that he was shod well and had good small clothes and shirts .
25 He had gone on to a party at a rich woman 's house , he explained , and seen a display of drinks such as he had never seen on earth before .
26 The next he had been jerked fully awake and found himself at the centre of a circle of strange , hostile creatures , the like of which he had never seen in his life .
27 Bob , arriving at the office before Dyson one morning , found a man he had never seen before working at poor old Eddy 's desk .
28 He could think , with a brief twist of the old cynicism , that he had never seen inside Tara anyway and that he could not miss what he had never had .
29 He suspected that perhaps McAllister , always so gallant in facing life , as he had now seen on several occasions , had tried to suppress , to crush down the awful memory of what had been done to her , had refused to give way to grief , to shed healing tears , until in his arms something had reminded her so strongly of what had passed and broken the barriers her will had erected .
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