Example sentences of "he would [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of my own patients grew up in a loving family where it was assumed that he would eventually study law — just like his grandfather , his father and his uncle .
2 Nigel , for one , often used to exaggerate his nationalism , much to the annoyance of his older sister , Laura ; he would blimpishly express contempt for foreigners , in particular the French .
3 He would willingly do homage to whoever was selected .
4 Firstly , that if he could do so , he would rather bring joy than pain .
5 It means that the drug squad there can concentrate on harder drugs , and certainly I I pu , a recent interview with a a police inspector from Amsterdam said he would rather deal with , you know , he would rather have cannabis users than certainly alcohol , problems with alcohol .
6 He could live here at Thrushcross Grange , which is a finer house than Wuthering Heights , but he would rather receive rent than live comfortably .
7 Without such treatment , he would soon develop dementia and blindness and would die by age 7 .
8 If John Major , or anybody else , could prevent the local garage overcharging or under-performing , or encourage a lower-price , less uniform snacks policy in pubs , he would doubtless win brownie points from some voters .
9 The two causes were closely linked from the 1840s and it is not surprising that when Cassell visited New York in 1853 as a delegate to a World Temperance Convention he would also use Beecher at work in Ohio .
10 He would also fight tooth and nail to keep her from the likes of Tommy Allen .
11 So he would maybe get word from the head of the house or the nearest rel call on them .
12 ‘ Coming home from school he had to cross the park , ’ said Cis , ‘ and he would always play football without coming home to change his clothes .
13 He would personally assume responsibility for disconnecting food and water supplies and would not give Tony antibiotics if he developed any more infections .
14 But he also smoked and drank and boasted that he would sometimes have sex before a race because he enjoyed the physical release .
15 He wanted to but was afraid he would only cause trouble .
16 It was very common that the duty wag at the time would make a little paper boat , and probably get some fat or grease from some convenient part of the ship , He would then set light to this and let it sail down the waterway whilst there was a great row of people sitting attending to their needs of nature .
17 Hank was fun , even if it did look as if he would never make Grade 12 and never earn much .
18 He would never set foot in Liberty 's , let alone Harrods — those haunts of the rich and the would-be rich represented for him the scornful laughter of the haves towards the have-nots .
19 Stories abounded that he would not live , then that he would not walk and finally that he would never play golf again .
20 Saibol 's brother , Tepilit , was ready to die because he realized that he would never get justice .
21 Maybe I liked the Mystery Man because he represents no threat — he would never have time for someone as ordinary as me . ’
22 Peter replied that he would never lose faith .
23 He was really loved , even for his eccentricity , which was that he would never allow alcohol in any form to come into our walls .
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