Example sentences of "he would [verb] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If he protests his innocence , he is doing just what he would do if he were guilty .
2 Asked once what he would do if he knew he had six months to live , he replied : ‘ I 'd type faster . ’
3 His philosophy of management was neatly summed up in his reply when asked what he would do if he were a referee , a prospect he likened to being ‘ thrown to the lions ’ :
4 He often wondered what he would do if he did manage to catch him .
5 Roger White , senior tax partner at KPMG , says that it 's what he would do if he were Chancellor .
6 And as she stared , there was interposed on the fair skin face of a man , a thin man , and he was leering at her as if in triumph , as he would do if he were to get hold of this unusual-looking child , for he 'd make a pretty penny out of her , no matter what channel he sent her along , his nursery , the street , or the boat .
7 He wondered what he would do if he could n't get into the house … well , he supposed he could go back to Joseph 's place , spend the night there and then hurry home at first light , when the servants would be up .
8 Heinrich was thinking over all the implications of the last hour , and what he would do if he were correct .
9 It was what he would do if he caught her that worried her , Maria reflected drily .
10 That is what the right hon. Gentleman has said that he would do if he were Prime Minister .
11 Well it was all about Derek 's attitudes to it and , and , and what he , what he would do if he found people with drugs at Haileybury .
12 Well he would do if he did n't have marks .
13 What he would do if I were n't here to look after him , I 'm sure I do n't know . ’
14 What he would achieve if he could do this was twofold .
15 Ginny wondered how he would react if she told him the simple truth .
16 That is , he will not make the same judgements as he would make if he were viewing the scene itself .
17 Rot on the vine ’ ) , its heedlessness ( ‘ with careless hand ’ ) , and its enervation ( its land is ‘ tired ’ , its conquest of that terrain ‘ unmanned ’ ) — that he would like if he could to unravel the threads of history , and become again a citizen of that Old World which his ancestors should never have left .
18 Maybe the colonel would have one ; she did n't suppose he would mind if she borrowed it .
19 It is not now certain that he will be invited to join the tour next summer , nor is it certain that he would accept if he were .
20 It is not now certain that he will be invited to join the tour next summer , nor is it certain that he would accept if he were .
21 He reached across the table and took her hand , which was a nuisance ; he would notice if she tried to look at her watch .
22 He was a plump man who looked as if he would burst if you sat on him .
23 Now he felt he would burst if he could n't impart all that was going on in his mind .
24 I wondered how much he would fret if he did n't see me among the passengers , and I hoped not much .
25 After a struggle , he broke free and grabbed a ‘ rabbit gun ’ , warning the burglar that he would shoot if he was attacked again , police said .
26 Staring from the window , her mouth curved in a smile , she wondered what he would say if she told him that if he did make love to her he would be the first .
27 I wondered what he would say if I should remark that just outside the right-hand frame there lay a disused water wheel , and that the low wall of the ruined house had a hollow place where it was comfortable to sit , shaded by what remained of the pigeon tower .
28 Just to think of what he would say if he came home from a Council meeting and found an American soldier sitting in his parlour made Carrie 's stomach shrivel .
29 The warm weight was a comfort and a delight , and she wondered what he would say if he knew .
30 He would say if you want to get me , you would have to get me at eight o'clock in the morning . ’
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