Example sentences of "he would [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Institute could attempt to set up such a figure , but he would face considerable difficulties .
2 On March 26 the state prosecutor announced that charges of treason against Honecker would not be brought for lack of evidence but that he would face lesser charges of corruption and abuse of power .
3 He would place two cigarettes in his mouth , light them both , then hand one to the sex-starved spinster , sometimes even going to the length of installing it between her lips .
4 He would wear private clothes and say that he was a merchant from the Northern Capital .
5 Instead , he would wear several sweaters and a dressing gown on top of his normal clothes .
6 He would do many things to keep her happy , but sex was not one of them .
7 On other occasions he would relate long tales of his travels or burst into gypsy songs or ancient Danish ballads .
8 We now have a situation where , in the unskilled occupations , an employer will take on a woman in preference to a man — since he would expect higher wages .
9 He would expect older children to master basic harmony — ‘ grammar and syntax , we can not communicate sensibly without .
10 JOHANNESBURG ( Reuter ) — President FW de Klerk said yesterday that he would meet anti-apartheid churchmen — including Archbishop Desmond Tutu — next Wednesday , the first sign that he will live up to election promises of entering into talks with recognised black leaders .
11 He would meet many kinds of influential people .
12 He would meet American women of all kinds whose faces he imagined would reflect mixed nationalities , and he would tell them he was an actor who had performed before the Queen .
13 It was his conception , his baby , and for it he would tolerate most things , including his suspicion of Trotskyism — whether of the IMG or IS variety — and of what he may have seen as Rowbotham 's ‘ hippy sentimentality ’ .
14 Still in his pyjamas and with his foot in plaster , he would hobble 500 metres or so across some fields until he reached a track , then carry on for another 500 metres or so until he reached a proper road .
15 Grudgingly , he would grant all requests so as to cease the torture inflicted on his friends .
16 Were he alive today , and in any position to dictate on such matters , I 'm quite sure he would ban all detectorists from the environs of Harrogate , his favourite English watering place .
17 In other words , controlling as he did the nominations to all learned appointments in whichever of the areas he was then kazasker , he would urge young scholars to enter the relative dead end of the career of kasabat kadi and thereby prevent them from passing up through the ranks of medreses to become candidates for mevleviyets and thus rivals to his own position .
18 What , thus , may we infer exactly from Johnson 's remark that he would go two miles out of his way to meet Monboddo ?
19 The murder had only occurred ten minutes before , but the old man already saw himself in the role of vital witness , and was polishing the phrases in a story which he would tell many times .
20 If he would pay five pounds out of his savings his dad would find another five .
21 All three parties to the Bosnia talks attended the first meeting since the current round began two weeks ago and the Bosnian president , Alija Izetbegovic , said he would sign key documents in a peace package .
22 With that came a warning that if it were not paid within six months , he would serve three years extra .
23 He would sacrifice many things for a friend , but not his public reputation .
24 A minister need only let it be known directly that he would welcome such demonstrations of ‘ spontaneous ’ violent support , or at least would not use police power to suppress it .
25 Svend thanked her warmly and talked about next year ; she would see the exhibit then , and he would welcome any suggestions she had for its display .
26 He would make occasional forays into the United States or films , but Lynn 's only real home was in Aldwych farces as part of the Travers team which ran triumphantly into the 1930s , and he stayed with them , creating and recreating the role of the silly ass forever working his way out of impossible situations , often armed with nothing more than the famous monocle , a daft grin , and an apparently inexhaustible ability to triumph over adversity by the sheer idiocy of his own imagination .
27 He would make tremendous efforts , like running to catch the last train back when I was two months old , and waking me up at 11 o'clock at night to spend time with me .
28 He would make disparaging remarks about her goose pimples .
29 Mr Hattersley , in Darlington to meet Labour 's northern candidates , said he would make extra police manpower a top priority .
30 In June 1960 he went so far as to write to Ashby himself — by then Sir Eric and the Master of Clare College , Cambridge — setting out the case and asking whether he would make personal representations to the Minister to secure unilateral treatment for the Eastern District .
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