Example sentences of "he has [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This is the most he has conceded in some 250 outings for Bangor , an appearance record that tops any Seasider goalkeeper in the last 30 years .
2 He has lived in this pleasant suburb 45 years , entirely unaware that Kirk , Keef , Claptout and all of Led Zeppelin had been looking for him to apologise for stealing his songs and to pay him much-needed royalties .
3 It seems that he speaks no English although he has lived in this country for some time ; he is in fact Italian by birth .
4 For me , it was as much a personal triumph for the coach , Ian McGeechan , as anybody else , because of what he has achieved with this side in such a short space of time .
5 The Eradicator may well be the solution ; tests conducted by Ray have certainly proved encouraging , and it would take a long string of coincidences to attain the results he has achieved by any other means .
6 He too , dies the early death of romance — en poète , as the poet Burns put it with reference to his own fate — and his end is enveloped in the consequences of his supposing that he has lit upon some Chatterton manuscripts .
7 He has contributed to many magazines and newspapers and has held a string of exhibitions in England and France .
8 He has contributed to many magazines and newspapers and has held a string of exhibitions in England and France .
9 Ladies and gentlemen , let me myself hazard a guess as to the answer , for such a gentleman capable of the levels of deceit he has displayed over these past days should not be relied upon to provide a truthful reply .
10 He has flirted with that theme .
11 An example of a limitation clause is where a supplier of computer software limits his liability for faulty software to the licence fee he has received for that software .
12 So although he has gone to some trouble to leave tracks across his own land at Highgrove specially for the local hunt , the Beaufort , he hardly ever joins them .
13 He has played with all the major London symphony and chamber orchestras .
14 Dalian , who has scored in 12 of the 22 Villa games he has played in this season , explained : ‘ When I came back from Spain a big adjustment had to be made .
15 Dalian , who has scored in 12 of the 22 Villa games he has played in this season , explained : ‘ When I came back from Spain a big adjustment had to be made .
16 Under this , he has blocked off most of the new airstrips , and now only 1,000 miners remain .
17 He has confessed to most of the charges to court investigators and western reporters and maintains he was not coerced into admitting his guilt .
18 He turns his back upon the life he has led in this society .
19 ‘ The thing that struck one about him was the fantastic charisma and this bright-eyed determination , which he has maintained to this very day , ’ recalled Graham .
20 4.33 Similarly , when lost earnings have meant that on return to work the plaintiff is free of tax for a period , having fallen below the level of earnings on which tax is payable , the tax that he has escaped during that period is a compensatory gain that must be taken into account in the assessment of his lost earnings ( Brayson v Wilmot-Breedon [ 1976 ] CLY 682 ) .
21 As for the English speaking , a child of far more than three has no difficulty learning Italian and is so far from being wedded to the tongue he has begun with that he forgets it within a few months so do not say to me that is an obstacle .
22 He has served on several Law Society committees , was Chair of the Young Solicitors Group , and Chair of the International Relations Committee from 1983 to 1987 .
23 The first half of the route to Gooch 's century must be the rockiest he has travelled towards any of his 16 in Tests .
24 He has sent off some ideas to Africa for inclusion in the first draft , which should be ready in about ten days .
25 He has raced in several countries primarily on the European mainland — Belgium , France , Germany and Spain among others .
26 The table he has built on this plan — only a mock-up as yet — is in two halves , each with a half circle cut out .
27 Since then he has turned in some useful performances for the under-21 and England B sides but he has some way to go before becoming a player of real international class .
28 Now I 'm against that and I 'm therefore against I regret to say what the Noble Lord , Lord said , and I 'm extremely sorry to see that he has moved on this particular matter er because th there is no case , that has been really made out for this .
29 4.1 Our proposals for reform recognise the importance of two principles : First , a landlord or a tenant of property should not continue to enjoy rights nor be under any obligation arising from a lease once he has parted with all interest in the property .
30 Many generous and warm tributes have been paid to my right hon. Friend the Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) for not only his speech but the massive contribution that he has made to this Parliament and our country during the last generation .
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