Example sentences of "he was [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He was nowhere near that cliff when his wife was killed .
2 Although it was very rough at first , but I got used with it even when the seasickness caught me up going round the top of the highland , but once he was away from that and er I was n't a drinker in these days but some old man says to me , er before you go to a meal , he says , take a drop of brandy .
3 It took him longer to get there after the performance but he was away from all the problems of the rest of the company .
4 No we did n't because I had bought various things , I like antiques so does my husband , I 'd bought various things while he was away in this erm , the card table and er , I had a new place of stuff , er but since we 've been , but we had odd chairs did n't we ?
5 He had already spent months like this in one sort of mental prison and here he was again in another .
6 He was just in this photograph she had on her dresser . ’
7 He was just like all the others .
8 It could be said that by doing so he was simply in some way earning his living .
9 He was also for much of the middle part of his life financially sufficiently insecure to look to the personal aid and patronage of others , including Claphamites , from whose psychologically stabilising intimacies he was excluded .
10 He was also on many council committees , and chaired the committee which excluded some members of the first Protectorate Parliament .
11 At the symposium , ‘ Are You Prepared for IT ? ’ , hosted by Zenith Data Systems , Gates spoke out on object programming , saying he thought the concept was just another hype that extends far beyond the reality available today — having said that , he said to look out for Microsoft 's Object Linking and Embedding 2.0 ‘ during 1993 ’ , saying he was all for any technology that will enable the economical re-use of parts of programs .
12 He said he was always on another planet .
13 He was always like that .
14 He was always like that when there was a row — he cried , he did n't want to hear , yet somehow he had to listen .
15 Despite the fact that both mother and teacher said that he was always like this , it happened on average three times a day only after he was asked to do something other than play by himself .
16 I do n't think he was ever in any position to keep the Russians au fait with American developments .
17 He was so unlike any of the people I had met before … ’
18 He was obviously in some pain . ’
19 He had clearly been sobbing fit to burst , but he was now past that .
20 Either the building was much bigger than it looked , or he was now on some wide underground level without having gone down any steps , or — as he was beginning to suspect — the inner dimensions of the place disobeyed a fairly basic rule of architecture by being bigger than the outside .
21 Right then you suspected he was more to those Apaches than a friend or a boss .
22 Er , he was indeed for some time the er secretary of the er er divisional Labour party .
23 If he was home at all he was in the flat .
24 In other words he was consistently at that i part on that particular day ,
25 Lack of attention aside , his name still cropped up in many conversations but he was never in any real danger of being taken seriously within the circle of Manchester 's low art dwellers .
26 He was never in any doubt , however , that obedience of lay rulers , including the emperor , was to him .
27 In fact , she had no premonition that he was there at all until he spoke .
28 Well he was still there at ten because he was there at half past ten .
29 He was there for some time , and was with her when she regained consciousness for the last time . ’
30 He was there for most of 1946 and 1947 , having served previously in India .
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