Example sentences of "he was [adv] [vb pp] and " in BNC.

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1 He was both angered and grieved that he did not know Liza 's whereabouts , nor the sex of her offspring .
2 He let Mac have his Celtic whims , everyone did ; he was vastly experienced and had been right so often .
3 Consequently , he was officially denounced and stripped of his rank , pension and medals for " discrediting the honour and dignity of a state security officer " , and threatened with criminal charges .
4 On 8 January 1959 he was officially inaugurated and two days later formed the first government of the new republic , headed by Michel Debré .
5 In a rough kind of way he was good-looking , but he was heavily built and looked an aggressive type .
6 He was evidently moved and nervous .
7 Harry began shouting , which was not at all surprising , as he was easily provoked and was being made to look a fool .
8 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
9 He was accordingly arrested and taken to Vine Street Police Station where he duly provided two specimens of breath in the intoximeter .
10 But he was undeniably withdrawn and pensive .
11 He paid calls to La Vieille Cité , famed for its antiquities , where he was politely entertained and actually bought a little Renaissance bronze relief , but no one had heard of a cross coming on the market in recent years .
12 I was quite surprised to see he was wide eyed and quite awake when when he came to my flat .
13 Police launched a nationwide hunt for Ahrjinder Singh Dosanjh — known as Bobby — after he was viciously beaten and bundled into a van .
14 Mann , though in possession of an official permit to hold meetings on trade unionism in Hamburg , was nevertheless put on a boat back to England ; on returning six weeks later , he was again expelled and various activists served short periods in prison .
15 He was already shaved and dressed .
16 He was later cautioned and released without charge , ’ said a police spokesman .
17 He was partly irritated and partly mystified .
18 In his lifetime he was widely loved and admired as ‘ the seraphic Ken ’ even by those who deplored his political stance .
19 As club manager , however , he was widely travelled and widely respected on the Continent , spreading the name and prestige of Arsenal in his imperialist fashion .
20 As we know er Darwin published his great work in eighteen fifty nine cos he had to , he really did n't want to but was forced , but in eighteen seventy one he published another important book called the Descent of Man or Evolution in Relation to Sex and in this book Darwin established a principle , which a which at the time he was widely criticized and ridiculed and this was the principle of female choice .
21 He was immediately arrested and charged with tending or intending to pervert justice , which he denies .
22 He was immediately seized and thrown into prison , where he remained in chains for a further seventeen years , finally falling sick and dying before a suddenly contrite Alfonso could order his chains removed .
23 He was nearly scalped and broke his arm and collarbone when he smashed against it .
24 He was strong willed and always trying to assert his opinions . ’
25 He was slightly built and liked to joke in public about his prominent ears and simian features , though contemporaries were much more likely to be arrested by the large and melancholy brown eyes .
26 He was repeatedly punched and kicked as he lay helpless on the ground , and suffering a fractured cheekbone , a broken arm and damage to his left eye .
27 Not every funeral furnisher was able to go independent , and relied on the wholesalers to provide items for which he was rarely asked and consequently had no need to stock .
28 He was badly hampered and discouraged by the lack of a studio .
29 He was badly shaken and needed nine stitches in a head injury .
30 His family claim he was badly concussed and the RAF were guilty of negligence when they allowed him to make the second jump .
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