Example sentences of "he was [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was chaplain to Waikune Prison during his time in the Maori pastorates , and welfare officer to the Fire Service in Wellington during his retirement .
2 He was chaplain to Archbishop Randall Davidson ( later Baron Davidson of Lambeth , q.v. ) from 1911 and helped to revise the coronation service , but was not closely involved in church affairs .
3 ‘ His name is Hung Mien-lo and he was Chancellor to Wang Ta-hung before his recent death . ’
4 He was home to lunch .
5 Although Southall likes to wear black — he was head to toe in it on international duty for Wales in Belgium on Wednesday — he has n't lost his colourful sense of humour .
6 Last year he was coach to Oxford .
7 He was patron to Michelangelo , some of whose best sculpture were intended for Pope Julius ' tomb .
8 He was runner-up to Alan Jones in that year 's championship but the following year pipped Carlos Reutemann by one point for the title .
9 He won again in 1898 and 1899 ; in 1900 he was runner-up to Taylor and in 1901 runner-up to Braid .
10 He had known very little about himself until he was face to face with death .
11 Thus he persuaded himself when writing to Theo , but not when he was face to face with a spitting hell-cat who abused him vilely , telling him to stop messing about with his stupid painting , scraping and altering it until her nerves were in shreds .
12 He reached her , he was face to face with her , the press girl Annabel was plucking at his clinging black roll-neck 's sleeve gingerly , with her fingertips .
13 Their eyes met for the space of a long heartbeat , and despite the clean white bandage round the man 's forehead and the strip of plaster on one bruised cheek , Grant felt a surge of rage at the thought that he was face to face with the brutal oriental who had hurt Pam .
14 There he was face to face with himself — times six .
15 He was Surveyor to Eton College 's Chalk Farm Estate , and was one of the few architects working in an Elizabethan style at that time .
16 The most influential philosopher to think about the problem of the ownership of empty land , John Locke , served as a secretary and adviser to yet another of the courtier-backed expansion schemes of Charles II 's reign ; he was agent to Lord Ashley , who later on as Lord Shaftesbury became a famous Whig leader but in 1663 was a well-placed courtier and one of a group who got a charter for a colony south of Virginia to be called Carolina .
17 By the autumn of 1643 he was major-general to Arthur Capel ( first Baron Capel of Hadham , q.v. ) in Cheshire .
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