Example sentences of "he is [adv] say have " in BNC.

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1 He is not said to have been holy , and looks like a successful career churchman , often occupied with the king 's business , and willing to contravene church law by practising pluralism .
2 He is also said to have caught a huge carp there , and to commemorate this event he took a gold ring from his finger and wore it ever after as an earring .
3 According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 661 ) , Wulfhere harried Ashdown in 661 , in which year he is also said to have attacked the Isle of Wight and given it to Aethelwealh , king of the southern Saxons .
4 He is also said to have been a good Greek scholar and a poor preacher , and it is clear that he was retiring and modest .
5 However , he is now said to have been becalmed by his current companion , Miss Nina Huang Peterson who has nicknamed him ‘ Thumper after the character in Bambi ’ .
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