Example sentences of "he may [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has been suggested that he belonged to the Bozon family of Norfolk , and that he may had studied at Oxford .
2 France was a side torn apart between Trillo 's desire to make risk a factor in the gameplan and Dubroca who , as the spiritual heir to Fouroux , had favoured the safety-first approach , no matter what he may have said in public .
3 By the late 1930s any money he may have received from his father had come to an end .
4 From Oxford he may have travelled into the south-west .
5 It looks like he may have travelled under an assumed name , God knows why . ’
6 At least , he may have begun in a monastery , but in the event he took orders and was for years a junior pastor somewhere in Worcestershire .
7 He lived at Charing Cross in 1585 , in 1589–90 in Writtington , Essex , by 1596 he writes from ‘ my house in Hamsell Park , Sussex ’ , while early in the 1600s he may have lived for a time in Isleworth , Middlesex .
8 Among the property Margaret inherited was ‘ the house with the ways , walks , etc. ’ in the parish of St Andrew 's , Holborn , which Berthelet had reserved to his own use , and where he may have lived during his retirement .
9 From this point of view , the only good American is one who stays shamefacedly mute about his English cousins , however many years he may have lived among them .
10 Although the government continued to think him dangerous — and there are signs that he may have remained in the revamped United Irish movement during his brother 's imprisonment — in 1803 he advised Thomas Russell [ q.v. ] against rebellion and there is no evidence of treasonable activity thereafter .
11 But as he proved at Knowsley Road on Sunday , although he may have descended into relative obscurity he still possesses exceptional powers of motivation , with his Dewsbury side producing the most impressive performance of the Regal Trophy so far .
12 But he had chosen to dress in what he may have conceived to be a British manner .
13 He may have trained in north-eastern France .
14 PS John Pemberton was a right-back in his days at Palace though he may have moved to central defence .
15 It was to hound and hasten Leonard 's waking thoughts , eliminate any residual interest he may have possessed in mere intellectual commitment , and open to him the stark reality of life downtown .
16 He may have gone into something else later — ’ his mind ran rapidly over the likelihoods-'publishing , a university — I just do n't know .
17 He may have gone to Italy in order to escape the regime of Queen Mary I , and his support of the Protestant settlement of 1559 was clear , but his credit suffered because his Catholic wife practised her faith within his household .
18 The fact that he may have gone to ground does not mean he wo n't attack again , and they want to catch him before he does .
19 He may have asked for Norman help against his enemies in 1009 , and a continental source records that he at some point appealed to the French monarch Robert the Pious for assistance , conceivably in the hope that he could exert pressure on the Normans .
20 It also may have answered a few queries over which he may have pondered in his youth and then discarded to the rear of his mind for later consideration .
21 Finding out that the goods were stolen after receipt is not handling , but if the accused then , for example , sells them , he may have arranged for their disposal for the benefit of another .
22 However little he may have done in fact , it was enough to blacken his reputation in future among the nationalists .
23 At a guess , he may have heard from his colleague who came here to lunch that I feel rather isolated professionally at the moment .
24 It was his conception , his baby , and for it he would tolerate most things , including his suspicion of Trotskyism — whether of the IMG or IS variety — and of what he may have seen as Rowbotham 's ‘ hippy sentimentality ’ .
25 It is thought he may have suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by a faulty exhaust system .
26 He may have looked like a bank-clerk but he had the heart of a poet , whether he wrote in iambic pentameters or the plain but effective doggerel of the common man .
27 He may have fled to Spain at some time , and apparently owned land in the Canary Islands .
28 His system seems to have evolved by 1807 , whereby he made pencil drawings of exceptional quality , sometimes with marginal notes on colours , light , sun position , and any licence he may have taken with the topography .
29 Archbishop Hugh of Lyons was the outstanding advocate and example of this policy in the last quarter of the eleventh century , and whatever influence he may have had on Anselm 's later political vocabulary , he had none at all in this matter .
30 Any expectations he may have had of inheriting a larger share of the Angevin Empire were fading fast .
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