Example sentences of "he first [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When he first refers to the approach made to Gundovald in Constantinople he does not reveal the identity of the man involved .
2 He elaborated the point he first made in the February that Gothic architecture expressed a spirit ‘ opposed to liberty and the true interests and prosperity of a Protestant country ’ .
3 BILL BRYSON [ Sweden on Two Herrings a Day , page 67 ] enhances this happier mood with an account of a recent journey to Sweden , retracing the steps he first took as a monoglot student twenty years earlier .
4 KEVIN Keegan yesterday signed a player he first spotted in a maternity ward !
5 He first embarked on an Open University degree in the technology faculty some ten years ago , but gave it a rest for a few years before starting in earnest in 1986 , in his second year at Wedgwood .
6 His Puritan inclinations found favour with the electorate of Poole , which he first represented in the Addled Parliament of 1614 , and he sat , always for Dorset constituencies , in ten of its next twelve successors .
7 He first struck at the end of 1991 on the Milton Keynes Estate , then again a few months later .
8 He first struck at the end of 1991 on the Milton Keynes Estate , then again a few months later .
9 When Ken wants to give his girlfriend a kiss he first calls in a construction team to clear the way .
10 He first competed at the speedway in 1958 , qualified to compete a record 35 consecutive times and won the race on four occasions .
11 When he first came into the Hampshire team , Greenidge 's natural inclination was to attack every ball , and it was Richards more than anyone who taught him restraint , taught him to wait for the bad ball .
12 He is on nine , which is n't bad at all , and his goal ratio since he first came into the side has been excellent .
13 Did you see his face when he first came into the room ?
14 Born and educated in South Africa he first came to the UK as private secretary to the ambassador .
15 Molla Gurani 's as kazasker ( an enlargement is given on p. 50 of the plates in Unver ) , for example , can not have been added before 845 , when he first came to the Ottoman lands , and was almost certainly added after 855 , when he held the kazaskerlik probably for the first and only time ( cf. below , pp. 169–71 ) , so that one can not be certain of the date when , or the circumstances in which , any of them was added .
16 As it turned out , Mario was n't allowed to race at Monza because he 'd driven a dirt-track race within the previous twenty-four hours , and it was n't until Watkins Glen at the end of 1968 that he first drove in a FI race .
17 Like many East Anglians who took to the sea he first served on the farm :
18 He chose a piece of smooth parchment and began to write down everything that had happened since he first went to the Springall mansion .
19 And then our there when he was a youngster , when he first went in the Navy he did in Shottley , had a big you know , big the use of .
20 And every Sunday after service he invited " a good number of his friends to his house , where he first reads over the paper , and then comments upon the text " .
21 It seems he first complained of a headache and feeling shivery a couple of days ago .
22 In this small group of tales he first described in the third person how a murder had happened and then in the voice of his " Watson " narrated the activities of his sleuth , Dr Thorndyke , the scientist , in bringing the murderer to book .
23 As the leader of the Romantic school of young French painters , Bonington took London by storm when he first exhibited at the British Institution in 1826 .
24 feels that a contempt has occurred , he first complains to the Speaker who considers whether a breach of privilege has prima facie occurred .
25 Preston 's fame rests on his discovery of the Anomalous Zeeman Effect , which he first reported in a paper presented to the Royal Dublin Society in December 1897 .
26 He first appears in the records as a junior clerk or singing-man in Henry VI 's chapel royal , in 1441 .
27 The pasty-faced bureaucrats at New Scotland Yard were not to know he felt about as much at home there when he first arrived as a Martian .
28 He had said that he did not want a solicitor when he first arrived at the police station , at 2 p.m .
29 Mancini believed that Edward IV had designated his brother Gloucester as protector — a statement which he first introduces with a cautious ‘ as they say ’ , but which then becomes the cornerstone of his argument .
30 Mancini believed that Edward IV had designated his brother Gloucester as protector — a statement which he first introduces with a cautious ‘ as they say ’ , but which then becomes the cornerstone of his argument .
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