Example sentences of "he see [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He sees himself crossing the road — deftly , like a native , knowing exactly which way to look for the traffic .
2 He identifies himself with the prophets of the Old Testament in addressing contemporary life , and echoes St Paul when he sees himself keeping the streams of doctrine pure : ‘ For I am inquisitive in the Lord , and defend the philosophy of the scripture against vain deceit ’ ( A130 ) .
3 He 's not Robinson Crusoe , there are other old newspaper owners so he will say okay the government in Australia is doing what I like , therefore my newspapers or usually most of my newspapers , in fact one or two of them wo n't , will support that government and that government can be totally different one in the United States where in the Washington Post or you know in the New York Post or whatever will go and attack or support because he thinks it 's in the less interest that his commercial interest and the U S because he sees us doing the same thing there .
4 HE WO N'T cut the exchange rate of the over-valued pound because in his daydreams he sees it replacing the German mark as the strongest currency .
5 He saw them bind the arm of the man he had wounded .
6 Taczek stood in the hallway of the second floor outside his flat , solid arms akimbo , the smile dissolving from his face as he saw them climb the stairs .
7 He saw him throw the noose towards him .
8 But he did reconsider next day , when he saw her watching the passage of the porter from the refectory before noon , and following him with her eyes as he turned in between infirmary and schoolroom , where the two small stony cells were built into the angle of the wall , close to the wicket that led through to the mill and the pond .
9 He left her to go to the kitchen , began to run the tap , then heard her rise , to dash from the parlour — not , he hoped , to leave the house ; but , going after her , he saw her mounting the stairs to her room , to be away from him , simply because he was , for the moment at least , no longer Dr Neil , but only another member of the sex which had betrayed her .
10 He saw her examining the bed .
11 What he did he saw he saw the method and saw well this is quite neat .
12 Well , perhaps not kindly , she decided ; it was more along the lines of automatic courtesy , done without thought , and the moment he saw she had the door he moved away , his hand once more at his companion 's elbow .
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