Example sentences of "he go [prep] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 he , the day he goes to Birmingham it is .
2 When he goes to London he makes friends with Wemmick , Jaggers 's clerk , and also with Herbert Pocket with whom he becomes very close to .
3 Before he goes to bed he tapes a message to the fridge door : TELL POTTER .
4 And er and she said he enjoys it and he goes to playgroup I think he must go to Dennington playgroup cos he 's going to Dennington school , and he enjoys sitting down and being , likes looking at books and he 's started writing and she said actually she said I 'm really panicking because I 'm frightened that I might be teaching him wrong and that I 'm I said well why do n't you pop in and have a word at the school ?
5 The patient may feel embarrassed at first when he goes to places he does not know , but he will be made welcome if the restaurateur knows what to expect .
6 If he goes on trial we may as well all start looking for other jobs .
7 So he goes in October you went and er same time as us
8 If he goes after Helen he 'll be out
9 Martin Parr was not a hasty man , but before he went to sleep he made two phone calls .
10 He 's alright like that , last night , once he went to sleep I sort of like staying around in his room for a couple of minutes , but I , went and opened you know , sort , sorted the curtains out and
11 Well that 's what he said oh no when he went to sleep I did I 'd done about a page this is what I read out , I went Professor Plop and the Time Machine .
12 His father owned a record shop in Baltimore and before he went to university he had become the buyer for the shop , a job which provided an unlikely education .
13 The next time he went to church she waylaid him after the evening service , and tried to persuade him to enter the hall , where — as he had guessed — a cup of tea was about to be made .
14 Oh the second day he went to school he did
15 When he went to bed he fell into a dead sleep .
16 The year he went to college he was in three Wirral Youth Theatre productions .
17 Buds are that big , every time he went to thing he snapped it off .
18 He went to Grangewell he 's running Grange now he said d' ya know something
19 He had been secretary of the BRS and when he went on furlough I was asked to take on his duties .
20 He went into Haymarket itself , where he was amused to see that A Woman of No Importance was playing at the Theatre Royal .
21 Each morning as soon as he went into school he was obliged to say , ‘ with a distinct voice ’ , ‘ Deus misereatur ’ and ‘ Kyrie eleison ’ together with other prayers .
22 Each time he went into action it was a very private experience for him .
23 Er he went over s there was a plane laid on for him and he was ve went over very often to advise them on fortifications on all their concrete fortifications in France .
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