Example sentences of "he could [verb] [vb pp] back " in BNC.

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1 Assuming he was murdered , assuming that the murderer went first into the kitchen , then he could have crept back silently and attacked Berowne from behind .
2 He could have gone back later and done all the things he claimed to have done … ’
3 He could have come back on that one , if he 'd really tried , but sometimes it was much easier to lie on the floor and watch the lights on the ceiling and listen to the count going on .
4 An inch higher and a thought quicker , and he could have climbed back down the rocks vindicated and free , with all his debts paid .
5 He could have slipped back . ’
6 It was one of those rare occasions when a covert operation could be examined in the full glare of publicity and it showed what a foolhardy idea it was from the start for , even if Crabb had returned safely , it is unlikely he could have brought back enough information to have justified the risk in the first place .
7 He could have doubled back to Gainsborough later .
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