Example sentences of "he would have like [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd have liked to plump for the Algarve but , he said wistfully , you do go over the £1,000 .
2 It was right , and he was sorry about it , because he 'd have liked to think his idea had helped them , been taken up so that he could feel part of the activity .
3 He 'd have liked to have seen Gina reading one of their notes with a penitent expression .
4 I heard him say to Dad how sorry he was about Sister Hannah and how he 'd have liked to have seen her before she was screwed down .
5 He 'd have liked to have seen you more often .
6 At the end Eddie was asked ( now ) what team he 'd have liked to have played for if not Leeds and he said he 'd always followed Celtic 's results .
7 It became in essence the very house that , had his private life been otherwise , he would have liked to live in himself .
8 Maggie could tell that he would have liked to stop for a chat , that he felt sorry for her left on her own , but she lacked either her grandmother 's grace or her mother 's energy , so she did not offer him tea .
9 He would have liked to join them as he was tired of being a lurking Briton but his sense of loyalty would not allow him to defect to the other side .
10 He would have liked to give more information , ask someone to research the final days of the tsar ; but he knew that would only have got back to the KGB , and in this game secrecy was the only key he held .
11 He would have liked to order him from the kingdom , send him trussed across the border with a curt note to his arrogant king .
12 Today he would have liked to remain at Hillmarden for another night , but he had promised Celia he would call in at the clinic on his way back to London , knowing he had a very busy week coming which might make it impossible to see her again until the following weekend .
13 He would have liked to say I 'd rather you stayed , except that he had no real reason , or no reason he could give her easily .
14 He would have liked to talk to her more about her husband , but he could n't really bring himself , not yet , to ask any more questions .
15 He would have liked to talk to Richie , but Richie had had the in-car phone removed .
16 I know he would have liked to defend his title , ’ said Irish region PGA captain Hanna .
17 Privily he would have liked to enjoy the fun but his heart was already labouring against the cold .
18 He would have liked to take her in his arms , to stroke the vivacity of that auburn hair , yes , those full young breasts .
19 He said this without looking at the Substitute , though he would have liked to see his reaction .
20 He would have enjoyed seeing more of this blue and green misty world with the lingering scents of ancient magic everywhere and he would have liked to see some of its people and found out how they lived and what they did and if they were happy .
21 Dr Paul Alexandre died in 1968 without having been able to write the book he would have liked to dedicate to Modigliani .
22 As well as admiring Modigliani 's talent , Zborowski found him a romantic figure , living a life he would have liked to lead .
23 He would have liked to exchange a few words with Cedric Downes at Oxford — surely a man suffering from the same kind of trouble ?
24 He was unable to observe , however — as he would have liked to do in his ever-observant way — just what the expression on Jilly Jonathan 's pretty face might have been .
25 We telephoned Mr Hector Charlesworth but he was , as yet , unable to take any remedial action , although I had the distinct impression that he would have liked to do so .
26 He would have liked to telephone Marshal Guarnaccia who had gone back down to Florence but he did n't want to block the line , and in any case the Marshal had said something about going to the prison .
27 He supposed Mr Rose was interested in finding out if he , Marcus , " was " homosexual , and whilst he would have liked to know that himself , and remembered the one explicitly sexual moment of his relations with Lucas with tremors of disgust and anxiety , he had no wish to go into that with Mr Rose .
28 He would have liked to know that you still came to see me .
29 He would have liked to know who that ‘ client of Harvey Gough & partners ’ had been-Amold Tatham himself , perhaps , using the pension contributions he had withdrawn on his resignation .
30 Gradually Grégoire seemed to relax : he explained that he was allowed to help the stableboys sometimes ; he would have liked to ride , too , but of course he was not allowed to do that .
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