Example sentences of "he would also have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If he had taken that product , he would also have tested positive those other days as well , ’ Grollet said .
2 But he would also have concluded that its ability to survive into the next century would depend upon the character and common sense of Prince Charles .
3 He would also have received a subsistence allowance from his employers .
4 He would also have become even more unpopular than he already was with the Pharisees , who were bitterly opposed to the Roman occupation .
5 For example , he is showing the Metropolitan 's ‘ Venus and Adonis ’ , although he would also have borrowed the one recently auctioned at Christie 's and bought by the Getty Museum , had it not been in restoration .
6 As a master of the long line himself , Karajan would probably have endorsed some of Boult 's sentiments ( many of Karajan 's recordings have been put down more or less in a series of single takes ) , but he would also have agreed to an extent with Gould that ‘ good splices ’ can also ‘ build good lines ’ .
7 He would also have known that Palmerston , having let it be known that he had asked Scott to submit a new design , was very unlikely to change his mind , and it was perhaps to give the appearance of some purpose to the delegation that he and Tite made their request for another competition .
8 And , although he had benefited from the publicity surrounding the death and from the cheapness of the star 's replacement , he would also have benefited from Michael Banks 's drawing power , had he survived .
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