Example sentences of "he would [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Before he did something he 'd regret for the rest of his life .
2 ‘ The same , although I do n't know that he 'd care for the description . ’
3 And as for deliberately lending himself — why , he would cheerfully hew off Owen 's head in fair fight in the field , and never lose a night 's sleep for it , though he 'd grieve for the loss of a grand fighter .
4 But he 'd try for the rest of his life to harm the boy if he could .
5 ‘ You 'd think he 'd come for the Christmas or even write but never a word , no thought for anybody except himself , ’ and it cast a deep shadow when they tried to imagine what kind of space enclosed Luke in England during the same hour , but they were n't able to imagine it .
6 If he 'd come for the race …
7 Crawford 's willingness to suffer for the good of the show , beyond the call of duty , was an early example of the masochistic rigours he would endure for the sake of comedy .
8 In a document which contained precious little about what he would do for the future of British agriculture , he had one crumb of comfort for the farmer .
9 And then he would arrange for the grave digger to dig the grave .
10 But he would vote for the official Labour candidate in a parliamentary election .
11 The right hon. and learned Member for Surrey , East said yesterday that he would vote for the Government because the Prime Minister was clearly determined to follow a path that the right hon. and learned Gentleman favoured .
12 Perhaps he would settle for the Magic Flute ?
13 By 1415 he showed himself willing to accept a good deal less : he would settle for the legal and territorial terms agreed at Brétigny , now more than half a century earlier , and a smaller dowry .
14 They returned to the room where she explained about Philpott 's heart attack and his subsequent convalescence at the Bellevue Hospital where he would remain for the next few days .
15 Ayrton Senna was in the lead and that 's where he would stay for the rest of the afternoon .
16 If he were to discover the nature and the limits of this person he was — and , as time went by , stave off the timor mortis — fear of death — then he would go for the nerve and the bone , draw blood .
17 As they had lain together in the glorious lethargy which followed passion , Vitor had told her he would go for the petrol , but that he would go alone .
18 Her mother could look after the chickens , and he would pay for the children to go to school .
19 But now he was going into space , and when he had made his fortune he would pay for the whole of Mali to be irrigated so it was as green as France .
20 Therefore , an individual can be guilty of theft even though he had £1,000 in his purse and said on arrest that he would pay for the items shoplifted .
21 Dad thanked him and said he would return for the bed after he 'd wheeled the instrument to our house .
22 At this time Klaus announced that he would stand for the post of Czech ( rather than federal ) Prime Minister , a move described by the Independent of June 19 as the " clearest possible sign that the Czechs have finally given up on the federation which they had fought for " .
23 My guess was he would head for the Dartford Tunnel and then Kent .
24 In this respect , San Francisco 's version of the exhibition gains from the proximity of ‘ Collection ’ , that important triptych of paint and collaged material belonging to the museum , in which Rauschenberg rehearsed the full range of the combined techniques which he would employ for the next ten years .
25 There followed suggestions of the kind of dresses he would like for the women , and much more specific suggestions about what the men should wear , especially two who would have no dancing and were ‘ old tatty props who stand around holding up girls and sometimes us .
26 On the Cowgate , many residents did not venture out late at night , and he said he would fear for the safety of tourists .
27 He would pray for the Englishman 's safety .
28 Then he would search for the tunnel Mcduff had talked about .
29 It was a Herculean task , and she 'd died just as she was beginning the nineteenth volume , with no end in sight , but even the one book in Godolphin 's possession was enough to guarantee that he would search for the others until his dying day .
30 PRAGUE ( Reuter ) — The Czechoslovak dissident playwright Vaclav Havel said he had received a message from Poland 's Prime Minister , Tadeusz Mazowiecki , that he would work for the release of two Czechoslovak human rights campaigners , Jan Carnogursky and Miroslav Kusy .
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