Example sentences of "he would [verb] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd stand in the doorway and watch Nathan tinkering with his bike and then , when Nathan looked round , he 'd step back into the shadows .
2 I 'd stare at him and he 'd stare back at me and it made me want to shoot myself .
3 The Princess had spotlights , he 'd turn them around this way when it was time to get Sandy to the door and then he 'd go back on his own to switch them off .
4 Perhaps he 'd go back to nice safe Willesden again .
5 ‘ If he came back and found we 'd made off by ourselves , he 'd go back to Tara and tell them we 'd reneged on the bargain , ’ finished Snodgrass .
6 He 'd go back to his room and change and wash , then … then he 'd have a drink and think further about how to get back at them all .
7 He used to come into the shop after a little while and he 'd go back in the kitchen again and he 'd come back again later on .
8 Every holiday he 'd fly back to the Gulf to be with his family , to put his feet on the familiar sandy soil of his own land , and every holiday he 'd want me to go with him .
9 Occasionally , he 'd bounce back on stage and do the whole thing with the strobe lights and everything which sent one poor little girl who had epilepsy into a fit .
10 So it was n't the fact that he 'd cut back on government it 's just that the government came , the spending came at a different er point in the , in the political structure .
11 He 'd get back at them .
12 Senga blinked back tears , " he told me he loved me and that he 'd come back for me when he 'd made his fortune and could afford to take me away . "
13 The most unlikely moment for Claire to talk about a day when she and her brother went walking across the land of a man who believed he 'd come back from the dead as a fox .
14 Straight away after he 'd come back from work !
15 And this man said that he was a lay reader , and that he 'd retired , he 'd come back from Australia , and he though that he would like to help out in the parish .
16 He would tramp back with his findings to his slum home , where the boys would shout ‘ Moses ’ at him and ‘ he would reply by shaking his stick at them . ’
17 And from there he would rattle back to Wimbledon and his wife of twenty years .
18 When he had finished his meal , when he had collected his guard from the hard chair by the entrance , then he would stride back to the Haifa Street Housing Project , and he would chew on the pistachio nuts that were loose in his trouser pocket , and he would write to his mother .
19 He would change back at Joseph 's digs , but the smoke would linger in his hair and on his skin .
20 At night when his mother was asleep , he would creep back to the computer to send messages .
21 And then he would go back to work .
22 No , he would go back to Sybil Vane .
23 He would go back to his room .
24 And if it was dirty , he would go back to his office and phone and phone the yard master and say , So and so coach dirty .
25 I did , I always said he would go back in time .
26 And with that , he would wander back into his study , to all appearances still thoroughly engrossed in the volume held open in his hands .
27 Not satisfied with the haul of birds that he would bring back to Britain , Gould began to consider collecting marsupials as well .
28 Newman timed it so he would arrive back at Greenway Gardens after dark .
29 He was too tired for work but felt he must continue otherwise he would think back to Cranston 's words about Benedicta .
30 At other times , he would sit back in a thoughtful , philosophical mood and ask Bob whether he felt one ought to have one 's name printed at the head of one 's private writing-paper .
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