Example sentences of "he would [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 There was a rather stagy photograph of the man who 'd written the article casting on a shingle beach ; in a companion photo , he 'd set up a three-rod line and was gazing mistily over the breakers .
2 Any minute and he 'd reach out a hand and grab her .
3 He said he 'd run over a dog .
4 I said his bed looked gorgeous and added , just in passing , that I hoped he 'd put up a wooden fence , as a metal one would n't do much for either garden .
5 ‘ He said he 'd pick up a spare part for me today , and he has n't , which is why we fell out earlier and why I 'm on my way now to pick it up myself .
6 And he 'd look up a book .
7 Then we got Brian back — ’ Brian ! — ‘ because I could n't stand your father worrying that he 'd fall down a rock face . ’
8 Mum and Dad are no doubt just wishing he 'd take up an indoor sport instead .
9 He would pass off an Angela Brickell sort of scandal with a laugh . ’
10 One day he would open up a book — some new sword-and-sorcery trilogy , probably — and something he would read there would trigger what he knew was locked away in his own brain somewhere .
11 But apart from that he , he was a , he was er humorous too by nature and er he was , he was quite free in as much as if you made an approach to him , and he understood that you were n't there just for fun , he would set up a meeting and discuss it with you , er and go into details and at the same time , give you an answer at the earliest possible moment .
12 Another faction was led by the conservative former NSF secretary Velicu Redina , who declared that he would set up a new social democratic NSF .
13 How ironic that she felt so alive in Piers 's company , the one man who could shrug her off as carelessly as he would shrug off a few flecks of sand from his T-shirt .
14 He mentions a café where he would eat once a day .
15 The birth of a son was welcomed now for traditional reasons ( for example , among Hindus the son plays an essential part in the cremation ceremony ) and because he would bring home a vast dowry when he married , but no longer so much because he would be a new worker for the joint family .
16 The truth was , however , that he cast off the conversation as lightly as he would throw back a small fish .
17 Shelley looked up at her stolid employer and wished he would unbend just a little .
18 The most striking example of an ( unsuccessful ) attempt at bribery was described by an officer who was offered a free choice of goods from a manufacturer 's showroom if he would pour away a formal sample he had just taken ( see s. iii , ch. 6 ) .
19 Alec had been an F in first year , an F in second year and he was worried — no , perhaps terrified is a better word — that he would end up an F even in his third year .
20 Their change of mind came after the president 's aides had said that if denied a referendum he would carry out a non-binding plebiscite anyway to settle the power struggle that has paralysed his reform programme .
21 I desire he would send also a box of Castile soap , a chest of candles , four hats ( the sun does not like my complexion ) , a small case of drinking glasses ( the supply on board the Hopewell was dashed to pieces ) and should the passage lie by the isle of Madeira , a pipe of that nectar , for I have exhausted my store .
22 In case of opposition he would follow up a tap from his truncheon with a butt from his head , which was reported as ‘ generally conclusive ’ .
23 He had dismissed her from his mind as he would swat away a troublesome fly .
24 She hoped that when he stopped smoking he would fill out a little and his knees would be less likely to bruise hers in bed , but no .
25 She would tell him all about her not being Cara Kingsdale , but , of the stupid idiot Fabia Kingsdale who had fallen head over heels in love with him , he would hear not a thing .
26 He would become again a Northern Ireland Protestant — though with a difference , certainly : he was no longer a resident ; he was learned ; he had the wonderful gifts both of imagination and a clear and analytical mind ; and above all his faith came of Grace to which he responded heroically , in patience and self-sacrifice — when he was aware of himself .
27 I thought if he heard her nonsense directed at someone else he would get back a sense of proportion about it .
28 He would put on a white overall for the occasion , more to impress the customer than for hygienic reasons , then have a good look at the tooth .
29 He said , last year , that he would put together an administration that would include both Republicans and supporters of Ross Perot , the billionaire populist from Texas .
30 He would seek out a place away from Men .
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