Example sentences of "he would [vb infin] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Cambodia 's Prime Minister , Hun San backed by the Soviet Union , said he 'd settle for elections if the U N organised them , which left just the Khmer Rouge blocking every avenue for peace .
2 He 'd go for months and then have six in a row .
3 You could never tell whose idea was what , because they talked everything to death , but if nothing else , DeFries was a wonderful sounding board as he would talk for hours and hours and hours about every little detail of the show , the order of the set , the music , the albums .
4 He virtually commuted between London and Sydney , his Australian birthplace , where he would stay for months at a time with his parents , making award-winning films , before returning to London in his safari suit , sun-bleached and fit .
5 He would sit for hours , quite silent , watching the assembling of minute coils and springs ; he seemed to find the exactitude satisfying .
6 He would sit for hours with his blindfold down , taking no part in the general conversations , or at best looking at Brian and me , shaking his head when his compatriots said something with which he disagreed .
7 He would pray for hours and memorize large sections of the Bible .
8 He has to watch the actor he would replace for signs of strain or imminent collapse and wonder nervously whether he could actually remember the lines if he had to go on .
9 As a rule he would wait for others — judges , opponents , even his wife — to decide matters of importance .
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