Example sentences of "he would [adv] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Not that there have n't been mornings when he 'd rather have stayed in bed .
2 He 'd rather have had warm feet at that moment .
3 I expect when he was a little boy he 'd rather have had a Bible for his birthday than anything else in the world , even a bicycle .
4 The old Oliver would n't have had any … trouble like that , and if he did he 'd just have danced away from it .
5 He 'd just have taken it . ’
6 And that means a reason right there on the spot , otherwise , once out of sight , he 'd simply have made off for wherever it was he wanted to be .
7 On the contrary , he 'd simply have found it amusing .
8 He 'd simply have acquired a spectator and a potential liability .
9 He 'd probably have given us a proper meal and , and — ‘
10 If he 'd known he was gaining the approval of the future , he 'd probably have kept the money to himself
11 ‘ If Forest had n't gone down , then he 'd probably have stayed there all his career .
12 Fair enough : - I agree that Wilko did a good job breaking in Cantona , and if he 'd gone to the scum then he 'd probably have moved on just as quickly .
13 He 'd probably have admitted any of the local police whom he personally knew , particularly if it were a detective concerned with a recent case .
14 And if he had n't gone after the runs for Gloucestershire , he 'd probably have tried his luck as a pro footballer .
15 If she looked like that , he 'd probably have walked right past her .
16 Lydia , picturing Hywel 's dark eyes , thought that he 'd probably have put up with a great deal rather than have strangers in his house .
17 Otherwise , he 'd never have met Florence Ames .
18 In other words , if they had n't got him with the six he 'd never have gone bloody broke !
19 ‘ Of course , he 'd never have made it if it had n't been for the skill of our local doctor ’
20 Francis understood all of this , of course , or he 'd never have done it .
21 You see , he is adaptable , and has managed to fill his days and pay his way by having a go at a variety of jobs that he 'd never have contemplated three or four years ago .
22 If he 'd stayed with us , he 'd never have got further than etchings .
23 He 'd never have spent a week milksopping around this godforsaken backwater on account of — one little bag of bones . ’
24 He 'd never have sunk to this if he was actually trying to sell one of his plays .
25 No children , odd sex and , as a high churchman , he 'd really have had a better image of himself if he 'd managed to keep to celibacy .
26 He would n't have believed it , of course ; he 'd likely have thought he was mad .
27 He 'd only have wanted us to be happy . ’
28 Now that Pearce had openly stated that the evidence had been planted , he was n't reacting in the way that he 'd ever have guessed .
29 Whether or not he would eventually have become chief executive is academic : the move to Provincial seems to have met a need to apply what is generally considered to be the sharp mind and highly effective set of skills of this simultaneously affable and well-organised character to a more absorbing challenge .
30 As for Edmund , the Danes themselves may have supported his cult , as the Danish rulers of East Anglia came to do in the ninth century , and if so he would eventually have become a means of reconciliation between the two peoples .
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