Example sentences of "he will [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He 'll bowl all day and bowl well , as he showed in Manchester .
2 He 'll devote precious time to help Alan the auditor access the department 's accounts .
3 By the end of the afternoon , after a few more pints , he gets involved in a Q&A challenge — he says he 'll answer any question , so long as I keep them coming .
4 He 'll kick that door down in ten minutes . ’
5 Wears he wears white Swiss cotton and he 'll change half way through the day , depending on whether he 's got , you know , in fairly important meetings .
6 But his happy demeanour is n't likely to last , because not only has he got the move to a new premises in Nantes to handle , along with the updating of the 300 coupe and convertibles he 'll build next year to use Renault 's up-and-coming 24-valve V6 , he 's also got the De la Chapelle Parcours in his hands .
7 Perhaps he 'll make some jewellery for you , one day . ’
8 He 'll want proper street lighting instead of our present hit or miss lamps .
9 Hopefully he 'll stay that way . ’
10 ‘ Once he 's up and walking he 'll stay that way , ’ said Mrs Sanderson .
11 he 'll eat raw carrot and things like that but otherwise the only vegetables he 'll eat are potatoes he eats
12 He 'll drag this country into the West , as Peter the Great tried to do . ’
13 he 'll ram this steel-sprung Duncan Fearnley down his throat
14 The bookies have been inundated with bets ranging from how he 'll do this afternoon , to er whether he 's likely to become Champion Jockey again .
15 ‘ And if you explain to Thomas that he 's not to touch things like that , but must come and tell you when he finds one , then he 'll avoid any danger in future . ’
16 The Archbishop of Canterbury will now decide if he 'll face disciplinary action .
17 It 'll now run at the same time as his main sentence and means he 'll spend less time in jail .
18 And the next time you go in he 'll have bloody rubbish !
19 He 'll have that sort of influence , and score more goals than Strachan .
20 The rest of the gang during today and tomorrow , but I do n't think he 'll have much luck . ’
21 And when he went , as he went , she says oh I do n't think he 'll have much choice , er , much chance do you ?
22 But in the meantime , you can let Jones know that he 'll have some waiting of his own to do .
23 If he did hear I 'll bet he 'll have another attack of deafness and maybe a touch of amnesia as well . ’
24 He 'll ring any minute . ’
25 He 'll ring this evening .
26 He 'll need daily blood tests , and we 'll have to watch for any respiratory or renal involvement .
27 He 'll come this way in a minute .
28 She says … he 'll get good milk and be taught discipline by his mum and wo n't get too attached to humans .
29 ‘ I suppose he 'll get another sentence now , for what he did here , ’ commented another .
30 The chances of playing for England are remote … yet for Eire in goal is good , so he 'll get some international/world experience ( maybe in the World Cup … give us another reason to cheer on you Irish ; - )
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